Chapter 16

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One year ago...

Thame grudgingly rolls out of bed, his hotel room almost pitch black thanks to a heavy curtain cocooning him from the world. One more day on his work trip to Italy before he extends his stay for a little break. While his colleagues have already headed home, he has one last meeting to get through. A new client is always exciting, but the multitude of learning meetings necessary to get going were always a chore, especially at a large auto firm abroad.

Deep in Northern Italy, he pulls open the curtain and surveys Turin's famous basilica, spire and giant snow-capped mountains. As much as the Mole Antonelliana demanded attention like a spoilt child, he felt a deep connection with those soaring mountains. He was in awe. Knowing he was straight off to the airport, he stood naked, just breathing them in, quietly surveying the intricate shadows and ridges created by the morning sun.

He knew this final meeting was important and wondered why it wasn't it a team thing. Even though it was his area of expertise, he thought it strange for him to be singled out.
Eventually he showered, threw all his belongings into a carry-on case, and headed to breakfast.

Upon arriving for his meeting, now wide awake and in business mode, Thame headed to reception. The normal greetings ensued and the receptionist told him she was to take him up. His instinct was prickling - something wasn't quite right, although he couldn't put his finger on what.

"You must be excited," enthused the receptionist, speaking with a heavy Italian accent and a tone full of adrenalin.

"Why's that?"

"You're meeting the big boss. She's never normally here in person, so today is very special. We're all really pleased."

"Am I? I thought it was one last stakeholder meeting."

"They don't get much bigger than her."

Thame smiles and goes through the courtesies as he's escorted into a lift and eventually a room on the top floor. Drinks sit waiting in the room, and he starts setting up his laptop to connect to the screen and notepad.

He hadn't noticed that the receptionist had gone off the normal route, and realises he's in a standalone section to the side of the central complex. He flips his phone open and tries to search this so-called "big boss" but gets nothing. Thame switches to high alert. He'd suspected something was off, but had put it down to a long day. However, He had definitely picked up on it. It was similar to the feeling he had with Sir Henry but less intense. It wasn't him, at least, he thought as his amulet began to glow.

Thame stood up and made himself a boiling hot drink that could double up as a potential weapon if he needed it to. In truth, he was pulsing with adrenalin and needed to move around to control his fervour.

The Cult. It had to be. They'd been far too quiet since Sir Henry passed and the threat to them nullified.

He saw the light change through the opaque glass doors as a lift opened. Out strode a confident, purposeful and dominant feminine shape, heading straight for the room. Thame prepared himself, either to fight or shake hands and kick off the meeting.

When she opened the door, Thame's now lead-heavy feet planted deep into the floor. He would be doing neither.

"Hello, dear boy. How are you?" The older woman, distinctly Mediterranean and dressed in a power suit, commanded attention. Because of her dress and her presence, but also because Thame had met her before.

"You? In charge of this place? I guess I know how we won you as a client."

"How long has it been? Must be a few years now."

"Must be. What do you want?"

"Now, now. Let's not be so aggressive. I know who you really are, I know you can leave when you want. I just want to have a meeting. I'm a stakeholder in you, after all."

"I told you in Croatia to leave me and Isabella alone."

"And so I did, but time has moved on." She sits down and nonchalantly flicks her wrist, motioning for him to join her.

"You've felt something of your brother, haven't you?"

"Of Lohikaarme. Maybe. He isn't my brother."

"Now, now Ormr. Don't be so tetchy!"

"What do you lot want now?"

"How's Isabella?"

"Don't know. We're not together anymore."

"Shame. I liked her, Thame. She was good for you. From the first time I saw her, I liked her. So inherently strong."

"You knew that anyway." Thame jolts upright at the suggestion of knowing Isabella.

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