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When we got to the club the music was blaring through the streets

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When we got to the club the music was blaring through the streets. Lights were flashing all around us. I shook my head trying to bury the pit in my stomach. Staton and I rode in the back of the truck once again, allowing the other girls to sit in the front with Breygan. I was shocked Julia hadn't opted to ride with us even though there was a seat up there.

Maybe it was due to all the time she had spent on her hair. I'd watched her carefully perfect every curl telling Staton and me that if she had to go out she might as well look good.

But this didn't seem like the place Julia should be at. I shot Staton a knowing glance before the truck pulled to a halt in the parking garage. Once Breygan had parked the vehicle the two of us in the back hopped out.

"Please keep things calm tonight," I whispered to myself as a little reminder. My eyes rolling towards the ceiling. The sooner we could get back to the hotel the better.

I checked my purse once more to make sure I had my ID. I was hoping the club wouldn't allow Julia in due to her age, giving us a reason to head back and hang out that the pool. Anywhere but here.

"Everyone ready for a night of fun?" Breygan shouts, a large smile forming on his face as he sticks his tongue out. Aria follows him, holding her hands up in the air slowly dancing to the music echoing from around the block. I made a mental note of what spot we were in hopes that Breygan wouldn't get too drunk.

My heart sank in my chest as the group took steps towards to street. Breygan and Aria cheering as they sway from side to side, bumping into each other and then laughing between themselves. Julia was quiet, holding her wallet close to her chest brushing her hands up and down on her biceps. She wore a strapless pink dress that was covered in sparkles and her hair was pulled back into a messy bun with loose curls spilling all around her face.

I watched carefully though, knowing Aria wasn't old enough to drink either. I had no clue why she was so excited about heading into the club, as she had a man she wanted to be and she wasn't old enough to drink.

"You keep an eye on Julia, I'll keep an eye on Aria," I whispered to Staton slowly entangling my arm in his. Our finger interlocked at the bottom and Staton leaned over to give me a quick kiss.

"We will make it through this," he whispers against my lips leaving a trail of fire where his once were. I nodded my head, it felt much better knowing someone else had the same feeling about this as me.

We jumped In line for the club, each one of us holding our cards carefully in our hands.

"Does anyone have the cash for the cover?" Aria laughs, throwing her hands in the air in a shrugging motion. She was used to getting everything purchased for her. She would love her dress a little or hike it up into the back and boom, things were purchased. She knew she had this talent, and she knew how to use it to her advantage.

"I do, I have enough for the two of us, but I wasn't able to get to cash before we left, and I had to use it at the last two gas stations," Breygans mutters, turning to Staton and me to inform us that we are on our own and we have to pay for Julia. I wanted to turn around and leave.

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