Chapter 38: Rescuing Captain Keyes

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Author's Note: If you have any tips writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

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Chapter 38: Rescuing Captain Keyes

Location: Pelican Echo 419, in flight

D +17:11:04 (SPARTAN-II Blue Team Mission Clock)

Recon flights conducted the day before had revealed that the sensors aboard Covenant vessel Truth and Reconciliation might have a blind spot down-spin of the alien vessel's current position, where a small mountain rose to block the electronic view.

Even more important, Wellsley had concocted an array of signals designed to trick the Covenant technicians into believing that any UNSC dropship was actually one of their own. Fifty meters above the deck, and cloaked in electronic camouflage, Matt, the Master Chief, and a Pelican-load of Marines waited to find out if their ruse would work.

Only time would tell if the fake signals were effective. One thing was for certain: Though conceived for the express purpose of rescuing Captain Keyes, the mission put together by Silva, Wellsley, Crystal, and Cortana bore still another, even more, important purpose.

If the rescue team did manage to penetrate a Covenant vessel, and successfully remove a prisoner, the human presence on Halo would be transformed from an attempt merely to survive into a full-fledged resistance movement.

The ship shuddered as it hit a series of air pockets, then swayed from side to side as the pilot who referred to herself as Foehammer wove back and forth through an obstacle course of low-lying hills. Matt took the opportunity to assess the Marines seated around him.

Maybe Silva was right, maybe the SPARTAN program would end with them, but that didn't matter. Not here—not now. The Marines would help him take out the sentries, cope with weapons emplacements, and reach the gravity lift located directly below the Truth and Reconciliation's belly, and he was glad to have their help. Even with the element of surprise, plus support from the Marines, things were likely to be pretty hot by the time they made it to the lift. That's when a second dropship would land and discharge a group of regular Marines that would join the assault on the ship itself.

There was some concern that the Truth and Reconciliation might simply lift at that point, but Crystal and Cortana had been monitoring Covenant communications, and they were convinced that critical repairs were still being made to the alien cruiser.

Assuming that they were able to reach the gravity lift, meet up with their reinforcements, and fight their way aboard the ship, all they had to do was find Keyes, eliminate an unknown number of hostiles, and show up for the dust-off. A walk in the park.

Foehammer's voice came over the intercom. "We are five to dirt... repeat five to dirt."

That was Sergeant Parker's cue to stand and eye his troops. His voice came over the team freq and grated on Matt's ears. "All right, boys and girls... lock and load. The Covenant is throwing a party and you are invited. Remember, the Commander and the Master Chief go in first, so take your cues from them. I don't know about you, but I like having a few swabbies on point."

There was general laughter. Parker gave the Spartans a thumbs-up, and they offered the same gesture in return. It felt good to have some backup for a change.

Matt mentally reviewed the plan, which called for him to insert ahead of the Marines and clear a path with their SRS99C-S2 AM sniper rifle and MA5B assault rifle. John was going to bring a sniper rifle as well but decided against it. Once the outer defenses were cleared, the Marines would move up. Then, once the element of surprise had been lost, Matt planned to switch to his MA5B assault rifle for the close-in work. Like the rest of the troops, both Spartans were carrying a full combat load of ammo, grenades, and other gear, plus two magazines for the M19 launchers.

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