Chapter 9: Project MJOLNIR

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Author's Note: If you have any tips writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

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Chapter 8: Project MJOLNIR

Location: UNSC Commonwealth, en route to Chi Ceti system

November 26, 2525

1750 hours

Matt bolted awake suddenly and banged his head on the inside of his cryopod, "Argh motherfucker!" He swore and rubbed his head, his chest was also hurting from breathing in the cold air of the pod. The pod's emergency release activated and the lid raised allowing Matt to get out. He went over to the lockers across from the pods, and removed a set of underwear and put it on. One of the technicians had come in and begun running a series of tests on Matt, standard procedure for someone who wakes up early.

This was the first time for Matt. After the tests were completed, the technician allowed Matt to go to the barracks where the Spartans had been assigned to and he went to work preparing the revival process for everyone else. When Matt arrived, he went to his locker and grabbed a set of fatigues and went over to his assigned bunk and sat down.

He rubbed his temples and groaned at the dream he had before he'd woke up in the pod. 'Why do I always keep seeing the same fucking nightmare? Why do I keep seeing the ghosts of my parents and my sister all screaming at me that their deaths were my fault? It wasn't my fault, it was that unidentified man who killed them, not me.' he thought. Matt groaned once more, got to his feet and put his fatigues on and went to over to the food dispenser and got a breakfast meal. Once he got back to his bunk, he tore open the breakfast meal and started eating; after he finished his meal, he laid down on his bunk to actually try and get a few hours of actual sleep with both eyes closed and prayed to God that no nightmares came.

When Linda and the other Spartans arrived in the bunk room, Linda looked around for Matt. When she was revived, she didn't see Matt anywhere in the crypt chamber. A technician told her that he'd woken up from his cryo-sleep prematurely and after being checked out, he came down here. Linda was a bit worried for Matt because this was the first time something like this had happened to him. Cryosleep always seemed to agree with him, but this time it didn't. Linda, along with Kelly, eventually found both Matt asleep on one of the bunks on the far side of the room with both eyes closed. Sam joined them a few minutes later.

"I think we'd better let him sleep," said Sam. "I heard he had a pretty rude awakening."

"Good idea," Linda replied and Kelly nodded her head in agreement. All three of them then went over to the food dispensers.

Matt had the same nightmare he experienced so many times before about his parents and his sister when Linda shook him awake.

"John just got called to the bridge," she told him. "He wants everyone ready to go just in case"

"Ok," Matt said as he got up and rubbed his eyes, the other Spartans were scattered around the room eating their equipment in order. Suddenly the alarms began to blare and the flashing red lights came on, suddenly John's voice came in over the intercom.

"Sam muster the team in bay alpha. I want that Pelican ready to drop in fifteen minutes."

"We'll have it done in ten," Sam replied, "faster if those Longswords interceptor pilots get out of our way."

"Ok you heard the man, people," said Kelly. "Let's move it."

The Spartans doubled time on the equipment and began filing out. Matt and Linda were some of the last to leave and they grabbed their equipment, but just as they exited the rock the ship was rocked by an explosion no suddenly the hallway erupted in flames. Matt managed to push Linda away from the door just as the flames tried to force their way into the room but were stopped by the safety doors sealing them in.

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