Chapter 18: The Lost Sibling

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Author's Note: If you have any tips writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

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Chapter 18: The Lost Sibling

Location: Zeta Doradus system, planet Onyx, Camp Currahee

August 15, 2537

0900 hours

Two weeks after the mission to assassinate Vladimir Zemo, Matt returned to Camp Currahee on Onyx to welcome the Beta Company SPARTAN-III recruits. He was riding a Pelican down the surface of Onyx to meet with Kurt and Mendez after being gone for a couple of weeks.

When the pelican landed, the back hatch lowered and Matt stepped out. He saw Kurt and Mendez walk up to him.

"Welcome back, Matt," Kurt said.

"Thanks, Kurt," he said.

Welcome back Lieutenant," Mendez said.

Thanks, Chief," he replied. "So the new recruits are coming tonight?"

"Yes, they are," Kurt answered as the three of them began walking away from the platform. "The Chief and I have everything ready to go for tonight so you don't have to set up anything."

Thanks, Kurt. I owe you one," he said.

"No, you don't owe us anything," Mendez said.

"You ready to get back to work,"'Kurt asked.

"Yep," Matt replied.

They walked into Camp Curahhee and Matt went and put his stuff away.

How was the mission?" Kurt asked.

"The mission went well. It was a complete success," Matt answered.

"Tell us about it," Kurt said.

"Well, you guys might wanna get comfortable. This is gonna take awhile," Matt said.

"Well we have plenty of time to waste," Kurt said. "So take your time."

Once the two of them got settled, Matt began telling the tale. After he was done, they both looked shocked.

"Holy shit," Kurt said. "You shot his arm off?"

"Yep," Matt said.

"I'm surprised you didn't miss with the wind being that strong, Matt," Mendez said. "Then again, you never miss a shot do you?"

Matt chuckled. "No Chief. I never miss."

They sat around and talked for a while about what was going to happen once the Beta company recruits arrived at Camp Curahhee and they had a meeting with all of the staff and told them what was going to happen once the recruits arrived. After they went to the cafeteria and got some lunch.

After finishing lunch, everyone went their separate ways. Everyone had to meet back at the cafeteria at 1800 hours for dinner, then they had to get ready for the Pelicans to bring the recruits in.

Matt went back to his assigned room in the camp and fell asleep for a few hours, but this time he made the mistake of closing both of his eyes.

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Matt was having a nightmare. He could see his parents and his sister Rachel, sitting in chairs in front of him. They all had their hands tied behind their backs. He looked at his sister. She turned towards him. He could see that she had dark eyes and her face looked angry and filled with hatred.

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