Chapter 2: Lone Survivor

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Author's Note: If you have any tips writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

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Chapter 2: Lone Survivor

Six years later...

Location: Sol system, planet Earth

August 19, 2517

1435 hours

Now, six-year-old Matthew Walker or better known as "Matt" was walking home from school after a long day at school. The year was 2517, and in 2514 his sister, Rachel Luara Walker, was born. In 2516, his second sister was born, Sarah Allison Walker. When he arrived home, he was immediately assaulted with a hug from his sister Rachel.

"Hello big brother!" she said.

"There's the best sister in the world," he replied as he gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Oh, there you are, son. You arrived just in time to start dinner," his father said. Matt looked up to see his father standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Hi dad," he said. He walked over to his father and gave him a big hug. After that, he went and washed his hands and sat down at the table waiting for dinner to start. his mother had cooked roast beef and veggies for dinner. The entire family sat down to eat. Little Sarah had to mushy baby food since she was only a year old.

"So, how was school?" his mother asked.

"Good mom. We learned math today," he replied.

"Excellent," his mother said cheerfully. She flashed Matt's dad a broad smile, then went back to eating. After dinner was over, he went upstairs to start his homework. He finished just in time! It was time for bed. he and Rachel both brushed their teeth and got into bed. His parents put Sarah in her crib.

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Later that night

2200 hours

Matt was sleeping in his bed when he was abruptly awoken and taken to the kitchen where he saw his father, mother, and Rachel tied to chairs, their wrists tied behind their backs. the man who had woken him quickly tied him up before the surprised family could object.

"What the hell do you want Major?" his father asked the man, staring pleadingly at his son.

"Oh nothing really," the man answered, "I just want you dead."

"Why?" his father asked again after a short period of silence.

"Simple," the Major replied, "When you die I'll move up and take your spot." Matt knew what was going on; his father was a Colonel in the UNSC military.

"You're trying to take power, aren't you?" his mother said.

"Yeah, you can say that. You can also say that I'm very thorough. I don't leave witnesses, " The man said.

"Go to hell, Major. And if you want my kids dead, you'll have to go through me," his father spat.

"Your in no position to help your kids, Colonel" the man replied smugly. He then pulled out a handgun and put it against matt's stomach.

"Don't you dare pull that trigger," his mother growled.

"If you do, I'm gonna kill you!" his father hissed.

"Too late," the Major said simply. he pulled the trigger and Matt screamed in pain. He then aimed at Rachel and fired. The bullet hit her in the forehead, sending brain matter and bone all over the wall and floor.

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