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Let me introduce myself, my name is Heather Ryde but some people call me "Ash" and I'm 16 years old.

I just moved here a few months ago from a small town in Nebraska.

I love the fall because of the chill winds and cozy sweaters that still smells like my morning coffee that I drink everyday before school.

From the start of my life I knew it wasn't normal.

My mom would be abusive sometimes on my brother, Alec and I but I knew that it was because all the stress of supporting the two of us.

For Alec his easy way of dealing with it was by drugs and alcohol but for me it was always hard to avoid the consequences of not doing the small things.

My life with them was the only thing I had close to being normal but ever since I found my family murdered in my home after almost being killed that same day just made my life even worse.

I was kidnapped, scarred for life by the marks on my skin and was chosen by the most powerful and cruel leader to protect the royal family of all werewolves or be defeated by death.

And that moment I believe that I had no other way to find happiness again in my life.

What I had close to finding my true love was gone, living as a mundane was impossible by my abilities, and the chance of actually surviving on my own would be a long shot.

But for now here's the story of the start of my new life.

Author's Note:

This story has been poorly set up. Please excuse the errors and try to keep the comments to a minimum of rudeness.

Hope you enjoy the story!

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