Chapter 17: Sibling Arguments

Start from the beginning

"Where's Evanna and Jayden?"

"Don't ask me."

I rolled my eyes as I walked upstairs. I opened Evanna's door but no one was there. I went to Jayden's room but no one was there either.

"Evanna? Jayden?" I called out, searching their rooms one more time. I went to Daniel's room, but he on his bed, sleeping. I went to Andrew and Alex's room.

"Do you know where Evanna and Jayden is?" I asked them.

Alex groaned, "I drank too much..."

Andrew stared at his twin brother. "I told you not to drink."

"Sorry, dad."

I sighed, walking out of my room.

"Wait!" Andrew called out. "What did you say about Evanna and Jayden?"

"They're not in their rooms. I don't know where they are."

Andrew frowned, getting up. He walked out of the room and started searching for them.

Where on earth are they?

We spent 30 minutes looking for them in the house. When I knew they weren't here, I got so scared, my heart practically dropped.

Brandon and Alex tried their best to look for them despite their hangover, and so did Daniel.

Andrew and I started going outside to look for them. I called and yelled out their names a hundred times, at least, but I still couldn't find them.

I've called both of them probably 100 times, and I was close to calling the police. I searched frantically, scared that something might have happened to them. What if they were kidnapped? What if something actually happened?

I've ran to at least 10 different stores in under 15 minutes, asking if they saw two kids here. No one saw them.

I called Brandon, breathing heavily. "They're... not... here... can't... find... them..."

"We'll search outside too," Brandon replied, hopefully feeling better.

By now, all of us were out of the house, trying to look for our two youngest siblings. When did they leave? Where did they go?

I ran back home, checking if they came back. And then I heard the door open.

I whipped around and saw Evanna and Jayden, coming in together, at 1 PM.

And then I blew up a little, because I was so worried about them. They were at the park this whole time. They didn't even tell any of us. They just left.

I thought I was going to die from the frustration and worry that was building inside of me. I told them to go upstairs while I cleaned my mind.

I grabbed my phone and called Brandon.

"Did you find them?" He asked immediately.

"They came home," I sighed.

He heaved a sigh of relief. "Thank god, I'll tell the rest."

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