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Kats point of view

It was an normal day at Galashiels Academy me,Gemma,Choo,Demi,Molly and Olivia were walking to the extension for our next subject.

'i hate school' Olivia said with and expression of pure hatred in her eyes.

'same' we all replied in unison.

Gemma and the others started talking but I wasn't listening to what the were saying cause all I could hear was screaming I thought I was going mad but then the others stopped as they must be hearing it too. We look around to see who or what was screaming but all was a ghost with a deformed face look us all strait in the eyes. The women look terrifying as her hands slowly crept up towards my face and said something in a foreign language that none of us under stood. I wanted to run but I found my self unable to move a single limb on my body or blink for that matter. Molly looked scared and the others looked like rabbits at head lights the ghost crept closer and closer untill I could feel is breath on my face. I thought that this had to be a prank or a joke that this cant be real or physically possible I watched as the ghost went right through me and I felt my legs give way beneath me and I ce crashing down I his my head of the floor really hard the last thing I saw before I lost conciseness was the ghost smiling at me with her crooked face.

Gammas' point of view

When kat hit the floor I knew that she had hit her head pretty badly and that she was 100% unconscious the ghost continued to smile at her for a few more seconds before looking at the rest of us she poked kat a few times to make sure she was out and the she whispered something in to her ear as she finished kat began to float and disappeared in a while of blue dust.she walked up to the rest of us and did the exact same this and that is all I remember untill I woke up in a jail cell or a cage in not quite sure........................

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