Update Schedule-

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Okay so.. the current update schedule that I had planned is obviously not working out. The problem being that I procrastinate a lot and I have also been super busy with school cause my grades keep dropping 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

Yes I realize you don't want to hear my excuses, I understand that. So I am gonna explain briefly how the new schedule is gonna go down.

(This is the current planned update schedule)

Update Schedule
• Weekly
• Will be published on one of 3 different days
• Friday, Saturday or Sunday
• Will Not be published on specific times
• If chapters are Not published by those days, please be understanding and have patience with me, this is new to me and I will try to stay on routine.

(This is the new and approved update schedule since I have commitment issues)

Update Schedule
• Monthly
• Will be published on one of 3 different days
• Friday, Saturday or Sunday
• Will Not be published on specific times
• If chapters are Not published by one of those days in the current month, please be understanding and have patience with me, this is new to me and I will try to stay on routine.

Staying on routine is really hard for me, and that isn't anyones fault but my own. I feel awful for making promises and not keeping to them.

Other Announcements:
(Hopefully I will post the next chapter soon..)

Thanks for the support everyone, I love you all so so so much, make sure to vote, share and comment on my stories, I love receiving feedback from you all.


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