I am sooo sorry!!!!

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Okay so I am assuming many of my readers are wondering what happened to my original version of this book and I would love to tell you all but the thing is that I honestly don't know.

You see I got ok Wattpad and one of my amazing readers had contacted me, basically asking why I deleted it because I had been doing so well and that sent me into a state of anger as I searched Wattpad up and down in hopes of finding my book but to no avail. So what I decided was that it was about time for a new version anyways.

But if someone was the cause of my book being deleted, like they reported it and brought it to Wattpads attention so they deleted it for inappropriate content then I want you to know that you can't get rid of me so easily, I don't know why someone would report it cause ya'know there are thousands of Lemon books, like why choose mine specifically I don't know, maybe out of jealousy or something. But you can get my account deleted for all I care, I will just keep making new accounts, new books, and you know why? Because I could care less, sure I will get frustrated but that is all you are going to get out of me, unless I find out who you are because I will end you, ruin your life piece by piece, so I advise not to mess with me cause for one I ain't scared and for two I will make you fear my existence.


Okay so that was incase the book was reported, if it wasn't like I said Wattpad probably just deleted it for inappropriate content and sure that angers me because there are so many books out there with inappropriate content like why target mine??

And no I am not blaming anybody (Except for the Wattpad company of course) and that means you all don't need to be playing the blame game either.

But anyways yeah that is my only explanation that I can give, and trust me the next authors note in this book will be awful exciting for you all.

Anyways my last book had gotten up to 40k views and I wanted to thank you guys for that, it makes me soooo happy for one and for two it helps me get through another day knowing my stories bring joy to people sooo....



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