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"i love you!" wei ling scremed out loud suddenly, everyone was so shook they only stared at him, with his clothes open and a starbucks in his hand

"wait no bro, i'm not homo for you" fegyin denied him immediately. ouch bro

"bitch who the fuck are you tryna steal my bro away from me"
longman shouted out loud, brandishing her sword in one hand and a boba in the other. "besides, nowadays who drink starbucks!? boba the best drink now!"

"oh no you bitch!! starbucks definitely the best one!! people who like bobas are pussies!!" cunt luomu jumped in to defend his bro

lay jayjya stood at the sidelines, watching it all go down with a bucket of popcorn and a big bottle of soda "wow this is getting interesting" says as she observe

langyay blushed very red at having leigh jiajia attention on her. she drop everything from her hair to her sword.

gaying just stood in the middle of the crossfire praying like some kind of holy mary to stop this endless thousand years war

suddenly a bright light shine from the heVens. walao, its his older brother

"die liao, how come he come back so fast isnt he supposed to come back in like five chapters" lueue yanshei exclaimed out loud "whoops spoiler"

zhongyi spread his hands out like some kinda messiah or so.e peoplr while doing a speech "i come to save fengyin"

"oh my god bro!!" gaying swooned

"but first, i must dump some serious plot first" chongyi intoned seriously "im not actually your brother, im actually a very very old bird"

"wait what!! you cant be real bro!!" longyay gaspu out loud "then all this time!!"

"all this time i only stay by you two because i promise your mom la, so it not incest" zhongyi explained as if he explained everything

"not incest? so bro...."

"i actually like fengyin" he turn to gayin

gayin heart got doki doki, he gaspu and clutch his kokoro "oh my god this is like a fanfic!!"

leigh jayjay threw the tub of soda to gaying "bitch dont break the fifth wall!!"

"oh my god i sorry!! but i also have to say sorry to everyone lor"

gaying apologise until he bow down to the ancestors

"okay so welling and big bro who isnt actually big bro, i have to say sumthing" he continue

"what is it", wei ling put down his sword but not his starbuck

longman also reluctantly put down her sword but still holding her boba

leigh jayjay lean in curiosule

zhongyi stop shining and floating in the air

all the background character looking at them like whoa

"i actually.... want to be a priest"

all of a sudden all his hair go bald

"since you guys fighting so much,, i decide that love is too troublesome and decide to pray for you all so you all become healthy again"

then a holy light shine from his bald head

everyone go blind at the light

and then somehow a crowd of girls come

"fegyin oppar!!"

"gaying senpai!!"

"koh feng!!!"

gaying nod seriously say

"my ride all come alrd.... adios everyone"

everyone cannot stare since they were blinded by fengyin bald

happy ending eith fengyin having a harem

the end


vote down below guys starbucks or boba and will fengyin have a great time or no


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