2. I don't want this kind of body

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In the room, there was only silence between the two brothers. ZhongYi, who doesn't know how to communicate with his cute younger brother, and FengYin, who doesn't know how to talk to an older brother who dislikes him.

Ah....what to do...

While FengYin was thinking on what to do to endear himself to this new older brother, ZhongYi have taken the initiative to walk forwards and placed a larger palm on the smaller boy's head. FengYin jerked from the sudden weight, and stared at his brother with an inquisitive gaze.

"Next time...Do not be reckless."

There was a slight redness on the older male's pale cheeks, and FengYin noticed it. He was stunned at this brother's actions, making him blank out for a while.

This brother....seems to not hate him?

That's good! Now there's no need to suck up to him. With this newfound information, FengYin nodded, and gave a smile to ZhongYi. "Okay."

The red flush spread from the cheeks and up to the ears. FengYin was impressed. ZhongYi withdrew his hand, and look a light step back. He coughed, feeling a bit uncomfortable, and spoke to FengYin. "Wait here. I will bring something to eat."

Even though cultivators should have learnt inedia after completing the basics, there were still younger disciples who have not yet learnt how to do that. Thus, there were gardens in every peak, for the disciples to grow fruits, or vegetables in if they ever wish to eat. Each of the 7 peaks has these gardens, and there were rivers if they wish to consume fish. There is also a city not far off from YangTian Valley, for them to buy condiments and such.

....All of these, he gathered from the original body's memory.

However, he does not think that his elder brother, the young master of the Xu family, can actually cook...but he decided to believe in ZhongYi.

While waiting for ZhongYi to return, FengYin sat on the bed, thinking about this body's memories.

In total, there were 7 peaks in YangTian Xu sect, each of these peaks specializing in a different form of cultivation, or studies.

There was JianDong peak, and as the name indicates, it is a peak specializing in martial cultivation. This peak currently has a lot of disciples, and the original body initially wanted to get into this peak. Xu ZhongYi is the current leading disciple, and is the first in line to succeed the peak from Xu father.

The original Xu FengYin might have wanted to get into this peak, but the current FengYin is actually a pacifist, and thus, has no interest in waving around a sword and slaughtering people.

Other than JianDong peak, WanYuan peak also has a large number of disciples. WanYuan peak is a peak that specializes in pill-making. The Peak Master has no interests in taking a lead disciple, because no one has ever caught his eye before.

The current FengYin wants to go into WanYuan peak, because he has interest in creating pills.(drugs) He was a pharmacy student in his past life, so of course he is interested in making pills! He wanted to see what kinds of pills he could make from the different ingredients in this cultivation world, and although the current body has little to no knowledge of pill-making, he is a quick learner!

Speaking of which, what kind of spiritual vein does this body have? Wishing that it's something cool as fire or lightning, he sat, cross-legged on the bed and started meditating, trying to locate his dantian and determine what kind of spirit vein he has.

After a while of FengYin entering his meditation, ZhongYi entered the room, holding two meatbuns. Upon entering, he noticed that FengYin was meditating, and sat on the wooden chair, awkwardly holding the meatbuns as he stared at FengYin.

There was a peaceful silence in the room as one meditated and the other holds two meatbuns in his hands.

FengYin finally got out of his meditation and kept silent. ZhongYi noticed, and tried to seek his younger brother's attention. "FengYin. Are you done?"

FengYin snapped out of his silent stupor, and nodded dazedly.

Cao! Why does he have the element that almost killed him in both lives? ('皿')

He was now scared of a large quantity of water in a big form, due to drowning to death and almost drowning to death. He doesn't have anything against baths, as the feeling of hygiene overpowers the fear he has.

"Have a meatbun." ZhongYi gave the meatbun to FengYin, who took it and started eating it. ZhongYi frowned, and brushed off the sauce that stuck on FengYin's soft white cheek. "Eat slower." He commanded, the other meatbun still in his hand.

FengYin ate slower, and after several minutes, he was finished. He stared at his elder brother.

He just noticed it, but isn't is his brother quite handsome? If only he was older...

"Brother, what kind of spirit vein do you have?" FengYin tilted his head slightly, subconsciously imitating what the BG heroine would do in a normal novel.

"....Thunder and metal dual spiritual vein." ZhongYi reluctantly answered, inwardly asking since when this usually meek little brother can gather up the confidence to ask him a question.

FengYin immediately became more <( ̄ ﹌  ̄)> after hearing this. ZhongYi noticed that FengYin had even became more dejected, so he gave him the other meatbun.

FengYin took it without questions, and started munching on it. ZhongYi was amused by FengYin's quick mood swings, and decided that he liked this FengYin more than the meek one that will hide behind LongYue more.

"Is a single spirit vein better than double?" FengYin asked again, curiosity enveloping him.

"....En. What kind do you have?"

FengYin felt reluctant to answer. But this was his older brother, so...

"I have water." He mumbled quietly, but ZhongYi heard it clearly.

Unexpectedly, he nodded. "That is to be expected. Mother had the water vein as well."

FengYin twitched. Does the 'cultivation cauldron' affect the spiritual vein? 

"Grandmother also had the water vein."

It seems that it does. 

"It looks like you inherited the condition instead of LongYue."

Please don't speak anymore, elder brother!

It seems that he is blessed, as LongYue ran into the room and immediately hugged him, causing him to fall backwards and knock his head on the wall behind him.


All of a sudden, the weight on top of him was removed. Opening his eyes that were closed because of the pain and rubbing his knocked head, he saw ZhongYi holding LongYue by the scruff of her robe, LongYue looking like a disgruntled cat.

Upon looking at the slightly dazed FengYin, however, LongYue immediately chattered on excitedly. "A-Yin! We've punished the people who weren't diligent enough! Daddy punished them to sit in the cold cave for three days!"


Like this, FengYin was unable to say anything. Silence embraced the room, with FengYin speechlessly looking at LongYue, LongYue smiling like a satisfied cat, and a poker-faced ZhongYi.

This is what Xu Father returned to witness.


This author has something to say:

ZhongYi: Seems that my little brother's chrysanthemum will be coveted by villains... I will protect him.( ̄ω ̄ )

LongYue: Daddy and YiYi-gege said A-Yin is precious...I will protect him. (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ

FengYin: All of a sudden, I don't want to continue living in this kind of world anymore. _(:3 」∠)_

ML: He he. (* ^ ω ^)

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