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He was swimming in a dark sea.

He couldn't see anyone-

Where was he-

(A sense of deja vu, but why?)

He gasped, coming back into consciousness with a stuttering breath.

Fengyin looked up, and saw a mirror of him staring back at him.


"Good," The mirror whispered. Now that he was more aware, Fengyin could see that this mirror of his looked... older. Whether it be the dark eyes, or the tired pallour the other had, there was no doubt that this mirror seemed to be an older version of himself. "Here, I-"

- A wracking cough, the older Fengyin brought up a hand towards his mouth. Fengyin could faintly see speckles of bright red blood, too bright for real blood.

Both of them were at a loss for words.

"Are you alright?-"

"Let me help you off the floor-"

They burst out at the same time. Fengyin was truly concerned about his older self, whilst the other Fengyin seemed content in ignoring his ailment. The older one grasped his hand tightly, and pulled him so fast he stumbled on his feet.

Luckily, the older him caught him.

(Would he feel pain, in this place?)

"I- Thanks." Fengyin mumbled, stepping back and let go of the older's hands. However, the older didn't let go. "Uhm...?"

He tugged and tugged, yet the hand holding his own was unrelenting.

"....You," The older him whispered lowly, eyebrows knitting together. The low voice made him on edge, five senses feeling danger emitting from this man in front of him. "Who are you?"


No words came out. The hands gripping his own tightened in threat. The older Fengyin narrowed his eyes.

He struggled to speak, but try as hard as he might, no words could be uttered.

What had happened?

What just happened?

But before he could ask the why's and how's of what just happened, he needed to focus on his life more. For instance, he could already feel the hostility coming from the man before him.



"...Well, no matter." The older him sighed, and let go of his hands. "It's not as if you're going to kill yourself off..."


The more he stayed here, the less he understood.

But he stayed silent, allowing the older Fengyin to continue eith his monologue.

"But you had to go and associate yourself with Wei Ling."

In horror, Fengyin could only watch as the older him descended into madness.

"Why must you go and talk to him?"

"Couldn't you just ignore him?"

"Cut off all ties with him... He'll only bring suffering."

"You'll end up dead if you still insist on being his 'friend'."

Why does this sound like a jealous girlfriend...?

For a moment, the older him stopped talking. And then, breathed out a long sigh.

A pindrop could be heard in the silence.

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