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He felt hands roaming around his body.

This kind of sensation would make any normal, sane person shocked. Who would even molest a teenager?

FengYin tried to wake up, but found out he couldn't. He felt as if his body was lead, unable to get up or move. What was happening?

Finally, after what seemed to be ages being molested by this person, his eyes slowly opened. He immediately focused his sight on the person above him, looking at him with a mischievous and salicious glint in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, his body wasn't listening to his brain, because what he wanted to say, or rather scream, 'AHHHHHHH PEDOPHILE!!!' was instead replaced by a raise of his eyebrows, and a voice that sounded not entirely like him. "What are you doing?" He asked coldly, glaring at this pervert in front of him. He raised an arm and shoved him off himself, watching with dissatisfaction as the man hopped back instead.

_( :'з」∠)_ Body, can you get back under my control? Can you please listen to me? Hello?

FengYin felt himself getting up from the bed, and started fixing his robes, which had been disshelved under the pervert's hands. The pervert even had the audacity to laugh! He wanted to get away far from this place, but his body wasn't listening, only pinning the pervert with a glare.

His mouth opened unwillingly, and he spoke again with a frigid undertone. "Well? What is it, that was so important that made you sneak into my family's sect?"

The salty pig chuckled. Even if FengYin found him handsome, he was still a pervert who molested other people!!! Also, why does he have no control over his own body!! How! Is! This! Fair!!

"Why are you so eager to throw me out?" Mr. Pervert teased. He then stretched on the bed like it was his own, and patted a place in front of him. "Come, sit, sit. Then I'll tell you what happened."

Come sit your ass! You just get out of my room, then we'll talk, through the walls!


His eyebrows furrowed, and he looked at this shameless lecher with a hint of hesitation. After a split moment, he sighed, and went to sit, facing away from this guy.

Hello!!! Why are you sitting!!!! Just run away!!!! This guy will molest us!!! FengYin really wanted to spit out blood right now.

"Well? What did you want to tell me?" Why is this body so unwilling to cooperate. Why.

This perverted wolf only laughed at his actions, but he answered the question that FengYin's body uttered. "Well, we received information that the XianShan Kun Sect will be heading a siege on Guang Chasm."

"Guang Chasm?" The body echoed. FengYin just wanted to bury himself in sand. "Why would they lead an attack on the GuangQian Lei sect?"

A roguish smirk appeared on this wolf's lips. "If you give me a kiss, then I'll answer you."

"You-!" FengYin had turned his head and met this guy's eyes. "Wei Ling, you certainly are shameless!" He felt his cheeks flush from anger.

The guy whose name was Wei Ling rose an eyebrow. He gave a mock sigh. "Well, if you don't want to, I can always find your sister..."

At this seemingly off-handed comment, jealousy raged in FengYin's heart. However, he squashed it as soon as it came, instead opting to look away haughtily, unwilling to meet this person's eye any longer. "Then go and find her, why are you still here in my room?"

This sentence, was full of the scent of vinegar. Wei Ling only chuckled, and he abruptly grabbed FengYin's waist, pulling him to lay on the bed.

FengYin was disoriented by the sudden change in positions. He had unconsciously closed his eyes, and when he opened it, a familiar scene unravelled again.

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