absolutely nothing

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Watch: [0:47-2:15]

That clip pretty much sums up this chapter and my current situation.

Lol cause oneus is on break, there's nothing to write about.

I have nothing to discuss until we get our fandom name, they comeback, or Youngjo comes back. Otherwise, I'm just here.

I'm working on longer projects in the background, but they normally take a few days to write, edit, proofread, and post. Usually, I post everyday, but that might be a problem if all I can write are long projects.

Normally, I have chapters backed up ready to be posted in advance (which is why I'm behind sometimes on news) but I ran out of stuff cause there's no news. I don't have time to write a bunch of long fics in advance either.

Sorry if posting slows down for a bit EEK. I'll try to keep up, but I've got a life to live too so haha yeah. Hopefully I'll be able to write some long stuffs but idk life's unpredictable.

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