Ravn: Boyfriend AU

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You're walking through the mall with Youngjo, your hands intertwined. You stop and point to a store.

"Can we go in there?"


You walk into the store and quickly spot a sweater. You pull it off the rack and hold it up to Youngjo's frame. It's an oversized black sweater saying "LOVER" in the top left.

"I think this would look good on you."

He takes it without a word and disappears into a dressing room. When he comes out, he's wearing the sweater. The sleeves drape over his hands and give him the cutest sweater paws.

"How do I look?"

You pop a red hat on his head and smile. "Perfect."

He buys the sweater and hat without a second thought and, despite the fact you insisted on carrying the bags, he takes them from you.

You end the day by sitting at the fountain and sharing an ice cream. When some gets on your nose, Youngjo leans forward and licks it off. You blush and lean in for a kiss.

He smiles into the kiss, "You taste sweet."

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