Leedo x Seoho Oneshot: Tinder? Date

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"Seoho, can you go buy milk?" Youngjo calls from the couch.

"No can do, hyung, I've got a date tonight." Seoho responds.

"Is it with that Tinder guy? I told you not to trust those kinds of things."

"I'm desperate, hyung. Sorry not all of us can meet a nice guy like Keonhee at uni," Seoho replies sarcastically.

Youngjo rolls his eyes, but pats the space next to him, "Tell me about him."

"His name's Geonsik and he's taking me to the new Italian restaurant that opened."


"I don't know, only Italian I've had is pizza."

"When's your date?"

"At 6pm."

"You might want to get going then, it's already 5:30."

"You're just trying to kick me out so you can invite Keonhee over, aren't you?"


Seoho rolls his eyes but gets up to grab his coat, "Fine, I'll leave, but don't get any ideas! The walls are thin here!"

"It's not my fault Keonhee's so loud."

Seoho arrives at the restaurant at 5:50pm. He looks around and decides to walk inside, his date said he'd wait for him after all. Seoho spots a man sitting at a table for two alone. He's dressed in a black button up, the first few buttons undone, black slacks, and a thin silver choker adorns his neck. A pair of glasses rest on the soft curve of his nose as he looks over the menu. He's really handsome. Seoho starts to make his way over to him, now if only he could remember his name...

"Excuse me," the man looks up, "are you Geon...?"

"Geonhak? Yeah, that's me." The man's deep voice sends a shiver down Seoho's spine.

"Oh great!" Seoho pulls out the other chair and takes a seat, "I was worried I was a little too early. Glad to finally meet you!" Seoho shoots Geonhak a smile, making sure to showcase his eye smile. First impressions are key, after all, and his eye smiles are a real charmer.

"Nice to meet you too, uh...?"

"Silly! How could you forget my name already? It's Seoho, like 'anyeonghaseoho', remember?"

The man giggles, a very light sound compared to his raspy voice. "Sorry, I'm not good with names."

A waiter walks over to the table. He pulls out a pen and notepad and, without looking up, asks, "Can I get you any refreshments? Are you ready to order?"

Geonhak responds calmly, "I'll have a water with lemon and the fettuccine."

The waiter looks up at Geonhak, his eyes widen, and he does a double-take at Seoho. Is he ok? He quickly regains his composure, "And for you, sir?"

Seoho looks over the menu but all the fancy Italian words confuse him. He panics and picks the one thing he knows, "I'll have spaghetti and meatballs. Oh! And an iced tea, please." The waiter quickly writes down the order and retreats back into the kitchen. When Seoho turns back to let out a sigh of relief, he notices Geonhak stifling his laughter, "What?"

Geonhak removes his hand from his mouth to say, "You just picked the one thing you recognized, didn't you?"

Seoho flushes and stammers out a denial, "N-No! I just really like spaghetti and meatballs is all." Another laugh. "Is fettuccine any fancier? Doesn't sound fancy."

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