Quick Meme (+rant)

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ONEUS has a song called "Eye Contact".
I have eyes.

RANT (not we/us related):

Rant not proofread sorry for mistakes

James Lee alluded at a Seattle/NorCal tour and I really wanna go. Idk when it is or where, I'm just hoping there's some dates in LA (haha @ Justin Park) so I can go. My dilemma is that no one I know stans him. I don't wanna ask my friends to listen/stan cause I don't wanna sound needy/pushy. I know my friends hate fans who shove their artists down your throat, but I need someone to go with me. My one friend especially hates it, even though she does it, and will indirectly complain about you on Snapchat. It's kinda rude, but I can't drop her toxic self cause she's emotionally unstable and needs us.

Also showed my friends that HOT™ vid of Hwanwoong's dance cover but they didn't care just said "cool" and moved on. I was way more effected but I guess my friends ain't into the "feminine" sexy men idk. Idk how to describe it, like there's 2 types of sexy. Like the sexy typically associated with women: like large breasts, big butt, big lips, etc. And the one with men, strong jaw, piercing eyes, muscular, etc. Personally, I like the more "feminine" side of sexy cause I'm a dom which is why Hwanwoong's body roll got me.

Idk what I'm saying anymore... just when I tried getting my friends into oneus pt.3 = failure. It sucks, too, cause I've been listening to their song suggestions and even watched mvs my indirect complaints and pushy friend showed me at lunch. Like she definitely shoved NCT Dream down my throat, but that's fine ig...

Anyway, I'm :( and stressed cause I have a lot of hw to do so imma stop writing now and go finish that...

UPDATE: I finished my hw & studying for tomorrow, but I should get a head-start on my stuff from today cause there's a lot :(. We have a block schedule btw.

Also I've been listening to my one friend's recommendations and I'm gonna rank my top 3 for him. Oof I kinda like them all but not too many stuck out, you know? We have different music tastes, he likes the extremes of the spectrum: either ballad or heavy hip-hop; meanwhile, I like a mix of the two. I'm hoping telling him my top 3 will narrow down his choices. Also waiting on my other friends' suggestions.

Also, waiting on merch I've bought. I bought a PLH tee a while ago and it hasn't arrived. Also just bought a James hoodie ($60.55!!!), it'll take a bit to come since he's ordering stickers, but hopefully I'll get it soon. Also waiting on my light is album from my friend. She bought it from a store online a while back so >:( I'm waiting @ the store.

UPDATE: LOLOL I sent my friend my top 3's from the recs he gave and he analyzed the influences of the songs and I had just hope it'd narrow down my taste. Guess not cause he said "dance dance is reggae, ideal is hip-hop, & butterflies is edm and r&b" so uHH... does that narrow it down? Idk, but apparently idk what genres are. He's a musician so I guess it makes sense that he's analyzing the music. It's funny that we're opposites when it comes to music. Like my taste is the opposite, and I don't look at lyrics that often. I like when the song conveys meaning/emotion/passion without lyrics (the delivery?) cause music transcends language.

Also idk why cereal isn't a play on "surreal" like that was a perfect opportunity but no, it's "serial" and "she's real". @ crush get it together man, like it could be the situation with the girl is surreal, but she's real, and what's her serial number?

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