Yonghoon: Boyfriend AU

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[go to 4:03

A/N: this is written with sub! Yonghoon in mind, not sexually, just dynamically. If that makes you uncomfortable, feel free to skip this chapter. Otherwise, enjoy!]

Haunted House:

"Come on, Yonghoonie, it'll be fun!" You say as you point to the haunted house. At first, you were planing to just pass it up cause the line was way too long, but by the time you cycled back around through the theme-park, it had cleared up. You decide it is worth a go.

"I'm not sure, maybe we should just go. It's getting late..." Yonghoon responds. You can feel his palm sweating from its grasp in yours.

"He's nervous," you think, "cute." "Don't worry, baby, I'll protect you." you reassure him.

Yonghoon reluctantly nods and follows you to the back of the line. The wait-time is still about thirty minutes, but way better than the two hour wait-time from before. Besides, you can spend the time talking to your boyfriend. You guys talk back-and-forth for a bit and play 1 v. 1 games on Yonghoon's phone.

Ten rounds of tic-tac-toe later, and you and Yonghoon are at the front of the line. Before Yonghoon can tuck his phone away, a girl comes bolting out of the exit screaming. Behind her follows her equally-as-terrified boyfriend.

You notice Yonghoon tense just looking at the couple. You gently place your hand on his waist and rub circles into it. "You'll be fine, baby, I told you that I'll protect you."

Eventually, the woman at the front gives you the go-ahead and leads you into the darkness. She points at herself with a flashlight and gives a few instructions before sending you two off into the unknown.

At first, Yonghoon is next to you. He walks confidently, but it's probably just to fool himself.

"It's not that–AH!!" Out of nowhere, a zombie wielding a chainsaw comes jumping out at you both. Yonghoon immediately drops to the floor with a shout. You jolt, but brush it off moments later. The zombie retreats back into his hiding place as Yonghoon collects his bearings.

You crouch down next to Yonghoon, "Baby? You alright?" Yonghoon doesn't respond. He only grips his shirt right where his heart is and pants. You reach for his hand and help him up. "Here," you place his hand on your hip and step in front of him. Finally, you place your hand on top of his. "Just stay behind me."

You venture onward, passing by the zombie that had jumped out earlier. Yonghoon shoots him a glare and shimmies closer to your back. You giggle but quickly snap back into reality when a butcher with half of her face raw jumps out from behind a door. You throw up your hands ready to fight as defense while Yonghoon shrieks and grips your shirt tighter.

Eventually, you two make it out alive. All be it, a little banged up, but alive. Although, Yonghoon seems like he had dropped his heart somewhere in the second room.

"Baby?" Yonghoon doesn't move his face from your shoulder. It's been buried there ever since that clown jumped out from behind Yonghoon in the third room. "Baby?" you try again, this time tapping his head. "Yonghoonie? I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you, let's get some ice cream."

Yonghoon sniffles, but pulls back from your shoulder and looks at you with puffy eyes. "Two scoops?"

"You can have three," you respond while kissing his cheek.

Random Oneus/we Stuffजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें