Confusing Translations...

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Lol so I got Seoho's message card and I don't speak korean so I had to ask my friend. He always says "just use google" so haha I did first and it said that. Then he said this.

It kinda makes sense but not really? I get the jest of it, but it's a little off. I just love that he translated "~hehe" like that's the opposite of my friend's personality and reading it in his monotone voice is hilarious. Might ask my other Korean friend (lol yes I have another but I don't talk to him as much as the guy I texted) for a second opinion cause that's kinda confusing?

Anyway, cute. I love that.

Also, I bought an album for my friend too. I saw through the plastic one of her photocards and it's the same heart Youngjo I got. I'm hoping we got different things, though, cause she said it's likely we got the same since the albums were near each other. I want her to get her Seoho card!! If she gets a different message card, I'll probs trade her mine if she wants cause it's Seoho's even though it's just a message. It's cute that he put ~hehe though.

Also, realized Youngjo's signature is "pls9 ravn" and he put a :)) in the corner and I love. It's funny cause I've been using :)) before I even knew he did too. It's just a cute thing I share with my bias. I love you~♥︎.

UPDATE: lol I sent my friend "Lol it's too late to make this joke but I can translate Spanish for you and you can translate Korean for me :))" cause yep. I'm not even fluent, we're in the same Spanish class. I'm just good at it? Idk, I work hard, probs luckyish too? But I hate when people chalk all of my achievements up to "luck" like haha but I haven't been busting my butt off for you to pass it on to divine intervention?

Anyway, anyone know korean who can translate for a second opinion??

UPDATE: he responded with "maybe" and idk what that means but haha cool bro.

Random Oneus/we Stuffजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें