HwanHee in a Maze

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[^inspired by this tweet]

HW, putting a blindfold on: don't fuck this up
KH, confident: don't worry I'll get you out safely
SH, out of earshot: they're screwed

*KH goes to a leverage point where he can see the entire maze*
KH: ready Hwanwoong?
HW: nope
KH: good! Go left.
HW, running into the wall: ouch! Keonhee!
KH: sorry! Um...turn right?
HW, turning right and reaching his hands out to avoid walls: ...
KH: wait! No! Your other right!
HW, cursing: idiot

*2hrs later*
KH: I think, just maybe, we should let Seoho take over...
HW, still halfway from the exit: you think?

BONUS: Revenge Time!

*entering a haunted maze*
KH: I'm not sure about this...
HW, internally giggling: it'll be fun!
Also HW, leads KH into every dead end so he can be jump-scared: huehue
KH, on the verge of tears: YOU BETRAYED ME!!!

[A/N: just something quick and silly. If you're wondering why I abbreviated Hwanwoong as HW it's cause I truly don't know how to abbreviate it. I used to write HN, but technically the Hangul splits the name into hwan + woong where the w's are silent. Idk.

Also, I'm trying to finish my Valkyrie story before school starts up again, but I'm probably not going to get it done. So it might be postponed. I also lost that writing groove, you know? Maybe I'll be able to talk it through with my friend to help plan it out? Stay tuned & thx!]

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