@ my 1 friend who cared (ps: thx)

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I showed my friend that vid of Hwanwoong dancing and she freaked out. Sadly, I knew she would cause she's a hard stan but a win's a win.

She was like "DANG WHOS THAT?!?!" and I was like "my BOY Hwanwoong :)."

Anyway, yeah. I win. Again. Show that vid to all your hard stan friends cause they're the only ones who care ig.

PS: I'm so ticked off about that tee thing like do I really have to take legal action? Honestly, screw you Justin for hiring such a lousy merch team and manager. And especially a big screw you to Peter Rocks. You suck, give me my refund.

Wish me luck, maybe I'll show up in court one day instead of school.

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