Studio We :)))

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Y'all them studio we posts on the onewe Instagram (probs on twitter but I don't use that) are the cutest.

They showcase their talents, and yet showcase their personalities too. I just spent like 10min just watching them.

Anyway, you should watch them they cute.

In other news: listening to "Oh Girl" by Justin Park is the greatest bop of the century sorry don't @ me anyway check it out unless you're real young cause then don't cause he says some no-no words.

Also, I'm helping my friend with her hw and she said she'd call me back after dinner even though she's eating dinner at 9, I go to bed at 10 so she better hurry up cause it 9:45 already. UPDATE: it's 10:04. UPDATE: it's 10:13 and I'm giving her till 10:20 to call or else I'm going to sleep. UPDATE: it's 10:31 and I'm giving up and going to bed.

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