Chapter 3, Part 9

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This part is long, and told entirely by Dasher. Sorry, right now I'm mostly copy-pasting an old story of mine that I haven't worked on in months rather than been editing, so these later chapters aren't of the best quality.


No. Heatran, no. The image had faded away from the pond's surface altogether, and I've been panicking to myself for a bit. How could I have been so dumb? Thinking back, I remember Darkrai getting me with a Dark Void before I came here. This place is like a literal nightmare world. And now this creepy magic pond-thing in the nightmare word shows me my sister and Lotus somewhere in the forest. They said my name, and whatever gave the view came forward and... What does this add up to? Considering yesterday?

I've been Possessed.

It's kind of freaking my out. A lot. I have some Darkrai just, just, controlling my body, messing with my head, and probably going to terrorize Sparkle and Lotus? Neither of them look to be in very good shape right now. What am I supposed to do about it? Looking at the pond, I wonder what I can do about it. Wherever I am, it's not in reality... Shaking, I want to touch the pond's mirror-like surface. With some hope, I could maybe re-summon the view of reality again. Why I would want that, when I am powerless to stop Full-Moon from destroying my sister and Lotus, is still beyond me. Perhaps it would act as a portal out. Or something.

Really, glancing back at the experience makes me wonder if the revelation of my Possessed state unhinged temporarily. There's a vague impression I have of pacing a lot, maybe muttering the while. It's somewhat foggy though. Finally, I must have decided to really touch the pond. After all, it's water. Magic water maybe, but what harm could it do?

For me, that was a very naive notion.

There's a blurry gap in my memory where I'm certain I touched the water. My memory clears up when I realize that my hand goes right through the water as if air. It doesn't even feel wet. Next, I realize I'm too close to the ponds edge. I'm crouching at the point where the water almost meets the paltry grass. The most vividly recalled detail of this was a sickening shock, as if I'd stuck my hand in a stream to find it was actually the edge of a cliff. Which wasn't too far from the truth. If you thrust your hand out over the side of a precipice, hunched unstably and unguarded for the fact that you could fall off of it, would you fall? Most likely, yes. Thus, I fell straight into the pond.

I never saw where I came from. Just tumbled into a void of gray. I never remembered changing any. I just became a general consciousness. I never exchanged words with the stranger in my mind. Just knew who he was and that something distracted him. From what little Sparkle and Psycho talked about their encounter with the shadow in their heads, I also gathered that this place was some part of my mind. The floating gobs of darkness were memories.

And the shadow had to go.

A fierce discontent with Full Moon's unauthorized invasion of me pervaded most other notions. Furthermore, I knew he was a threat to Sparkle. Lotus, I could really care less about. But even as I never acknowledge it, I couldn't let something bad happen to her. Especially not after-

No. Forget the nightmare. That wasn't me they hate, that wasn't them they were. Forget that.

The Darkrai paid no attention to me whatsoever, and I intended to make him regret that. Finding that I couldn't walk, I had to will myself over. To drift.

Full Moon is wrenched from his fixation with the world outside of me, to me myself. Disinterestedly, he casts an orbital shadow over in the general area of my consciousness before returning to what fixates him so.

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