Chapter 1, Part 10

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Why didn't I think of this before? As I pick my way down a path back to the mansion, I hold a weak Psychic on everyone but Psycho, whom I pull along by his uninjured arm. He's sort of getting dragged through mud and dead leaves, so he's acquiring quite a bit of dirt. Oh well.
It's strange to watch the others float along in front of me, supported by my own Psychic attack. The Psychic is draining, but much less so than carrying them back by hand would be. Hwy, what do you know, Aunt Spark has a somewhat benevolent look on her face when she's unconscious. If I didn't know any better, I'd think she was a nice Pokemon.
Sparkle's condition is still worrying at me. She stopped muttering and twitching a bit ago, which I suppose must be good, but now she tosses and turns like she's sleeping and having a nightmare. Or at least, she's trying to, being suspended above the ground and all. I can feel her movements wrack and shake my Psychic.

Eerily, the forest still feels empty. I wonder if all the forest Pokemon hid or something, because they knew something bad was going to happen.
The house isn't too far from the clearing, and I make it there in a few minutes. I set everyone down gently in the grass, Psycho too, and I walk up to the back door. To my surprise, It's locked. Now who did that?
I knock acerbically on the door. Thud, Thud, Thud. People are talking inside, so no-one might have heard me. I'm about to knock again, REALLY loudly, when someone calls through the door;
"It izzz whooo outzzzide?"
It's Queenie, I can tell by the characteristic buzz to her voice.
"Queenie! It's me, Dasher! You've got to let me in!"
"Dazzzher? Youuu looocked out pooor Queenie oncezzz, did you not?"
"Geez, a year ago, by accident. This is important Queenie!"
"You muzzzt zzzay pazzzword, or I azzzume you are pozzzezzzed. And crazzzy."
"I zzzay pazzzword wazzz uh, 'Pokemon'. You in, come now, I get help for otherzzz."
The door clicks as she undoes the lock, and then it swings open.
Queenie peeks from behind the door frame. Her gaze flicks from me, to Sparkle and Psycho, then to Roku, Bright and Spark.
"Why you not knocked out? You weakezzzt one there," she quips right before the flies inside the house, leaving the door wide open. Why is it no one has any confidence in me?

I drift along, in a neutral world of gray. Nothing but empty gray space and drifting amorphous black objects. One floats by me. When I look at it, it ripples, and I find that it smells like the forest after a spring rain. I touch it, and snatches of memories flash briefly before my eyes.
"You can't catch me! Slowpoke, Slowbro, Slowking you are! You're the Queen of slow!"
"Dasher!" I giggle breathlessly as I chase him. "No fair! You have longer legs!" He only laughs and runs on... Psycho runs too. It's a game of tag.
I remember that. Me, Psy and Dasher liked to chase each other back when I was an uncaptured Ralts. We ran through the forest without a care.
The black objects seem to contain memories and sensations. The one by me drifts away.
As it drifts, a bit of movement catches my eye. It's quick, unlike the floating objects, and it speeds from object to object. It's a shadow.
The shadow touches and explores the various objects, looking at my memories. I'm a little fuzzy in my thought processes, and I watch it for a minute. At one point, I sense that it shifts to look at me, even though I can't see it's eyes. The shadow startles a little, and we stare at each other for a while.
The shadow sends a wave of energy towards me, something black. Since I am unable to do anything but drift, it hits me.

The energy wave engulfs me, and I find myself deep in the forest. I am alone, as far as I can tell, and near the small cliffs. Unsure of what to make of this, I take a step forwards, and look all around. Cool forest air fills my lungs, and I feel lightheaded. I have the strange idea that I am looking for someone...
Psycho runs in front of me, then past me. Confused, I pursue. Is he who I am looking for?
Psycho looks back at me, mentally measuring my chase. He runs faster, to one of the cliff sides, and swiftly scales the sheer sides. From rocky crag to rocky crag, he climbs. I follow him, teleporting from ledge to ledge until we both reach the top. I feel glad he never bothered to keep Teleport. I can hold him at the top, and ask him why I'm looking. Psycho glances back at me, and run straight off the other side of the cliffs. I never knew they were this narrow and flat at the top. He jumps down, and I run over to see what happened to him, alarmed. But he has vanished without a trace.
This scenario repeats several times with various Pokemon I know. I wander around the forest, looking for someone, but I don't remember who. Spark or Lotus or even Loppily run out from nowhere. I chase them down, sure they are who I'm looking for, but they disappear somehow. I get increasingly frustrated and frightened as this goes on. Just as Rascal dives into a river and vanishes, the wind whispers to me, Sparkle, it's only a dream, wake up. Wake up now!
I gasp, and it feels like I just dove into an icy lake. Closing my eyes, the dream world fractures around me. As the world cracks, the pieces break away into a black void, and I tear my eyes away from the frightful darkness...

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