Chapter 2, Part 2

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"Wake up Sparkle. It's only a bad dream. I won't leave you."

I suck in my breath and sit up. Mom's sitting on the floor beside me, holding my hand. She's smiling at me. "You're awake. I heard you put up a good fight."
I shake my head. "I was freaking out," I whisper. "I used Dream Eater. It doesn't work when the opponent's awake. Did Bright get me?"
Twirla shakes her head. "Dream Eater worked somehow. Both you and Bright fell asleep."
Weird. "That's just not logical. Are you sure?"
"Dasher said so. If he had knocked out Bright himself, you know that he would be boasting so loud, it would be heard in Kanto." I give a smile at the thought.

At this sentiment, I roll over and look at the rest of the room. Short description; Unusual scene. Everyone present at the battle is laid out on tablecloths besides me, except Psy and Dasher. Most everyone is clustered around Spark, who is also awake. Kinda charred-looking, but well enough to demand answers of everyone.
"You're sure you didn't run off like a lily-livered Lillypup Dasher?"
Dasher looked kind of harrassed. Spark's the only one who can really shake him up, mostly because she's the only one who wouldn't care if a good Thunder would be painful to him or not. "Of course I didn't run off! IfSparklecould try to battle, so could I!"
Which was why he clutched me like a lifeline in-battle?
"I was too nervous to get an attack in though. You all know I'm no battler."
No kidding.
"Unlike me, Sparkle did a good knockout. Don't tell her I said that, because she'll get a swelled head."
I burst out laughing. "MWAHAHAHA! You just admitted that I'm a better battler than you!"
Dasher jumps back. "I SAID NOTHING OF THE SORT! You're supposed to be asleep!"
"She's certainly outta Dreamland now Dashy-boy." Spark remarks with dry humor.
Joy hops over to me. "Great! You seem to be OK too now. I wasn't sure if you would wake up or not, with the strange circumstance to which you fell asleep."

Bright moans and sits up. Lotus makes a funny squeak and Vine-whips himself onto the chandelier. "Oh no!"
But Bright doesn't seem to want to kill anyone or anything. He just stares at his feet, and sighs. "Joy, I had such a srtange dream. I met Dasher, and told him something someone didn't want me to tell, like a secret, but not a secret, just something personal. I wandered the forest, looking for someone. Then, I had an awful battle with Spark, and maybe some other pokemon. I'm not sure."
Lotus jumps off of the chandelier and lands in front of Bright. He's sort of giggling to himself... "Not the greatest dream Bright. It's an even worse reality."
Bright looks at him. "Worse reality?"
"Oh, it kind of really happened."
This comment shakes Bright into comprehension. "What, Lotus?"
Bright turns his head to the side, at Roku, Spark, and me. Spark gives a halfhearted try at a grin. "Heh."
Fairly close to feaking out, he glances at the couch. Psycho's slumped there, clean bandage on his arm and covered in dirt and leaves. Bright presses his hands to his eyes, as if not seeing it will make it all go away. "I did this?" he moans.
Lotus coughs rather falsely. "Not quite. Psycho went crazy too. Well, actually, hedidn't get the chance to hurt anyone, but he still went crazy." I get the feeling that Lotus is genuinely attempting to be helpful. If so, he's rather failing.
Bright just shakes his head and moans.

So, there's this "Boo-hoo, what a mess" scene that this turns into. It's the boring and repetitive portion of this day, where everyone reunites for a bit and discusses what happened without bringing up anything new. So, I'm going to skip ahead a couple of hours. Psycho and Roku come-to. Psycho's arm is painful, most likely broken. I'm going to have to take him to a Pokemon Center tomorrow for that, since my healing skills only go so far. Roku too, because he complains of slight chest pain. He doesn't seem to have broken anything though, which is good.
Some of us go back to doing our usual stuff. Well, mostly. Spark and Rascal may have decided to get back to their usual unguided training, since the mess seems to be over, but some of the rest of us are less sure that the storm's blown over.
Me, Bright, Dasher, and Twirla cluster around the computer to try to find who and what this "Full Moon" chap could be. We've just finished looking through the Hoen files, and still no pokemon matching Full Moon's description could be found. Psycho, Sparkle, and Loppily pour through the other three journals for information, but this too proves futile. Everyone else has wandered off for various reasons.

Dasher paces behind the computer chair, which I'm sitting in. "Tell us what this shadow looked like again, you three." He has assumed an inquisitive role, asking Psycho, Bright, and Sparkle about what they've seen of Full Moon. Sparkle thinks she saw him in her dreams or something, which is why she is included in this.
Sparkle sighs and flips through a couple pages in the journal she's searching. "A blob of darkness, Dash. No DUH."
Psycho looks up from his journal and thinks deeply for a minute. "Uh... It sort of looked... like fabric blowing in the wind? I guess?"
"Oh yes, I suppose he was wearing a dress!" What a poor attempt at sarcasm, coming from Dasher.
"I suppose you know all about dresses, Dasher, being a Gardevoir and all." Sparkle remarks. Like a Tamato berry, Dasher turns bright red. "If you're saying I'm girly-"
Before an argument starts, Bright interrupts him. "I saw it's eye once. It was hard to think at the time, but they looked... blue." That comment gives me an idea. "Blue." Not many Dark types have blue eyes.
"Yes, blue, light blue. Desperate too, once I think about it."
I scroll down the Sinnoh Pokedex and click the link to my Hidden Files. I flip through Giratina, dismiss Dialga, ignore Aceus, (The hidden files aren't in any particular order) and click Darkrai.
Several pictures pop up. Several of them are shadows, a figure who's hair blows like fabric on a windy day. In the pictures that show Darkrai himself, his eyes are startlingly blue, and melancoly.
There's more than one Darkrai, but still so very few. I once met a trainer named Tobias who had one. His said nothing, needed to. They are loyal creatures, and their constant loneliness depresses them, giving them nightmares in which they inflict upon others in self-defense. Having a companion made Tobias's Darkrai feel less lonely, and prevented this little attribute, or so Lotus told me when I met Tobias. But that was a long, long time ago...
Several texts pop up, describing Darkrai.
It can lull people to sleep and make them dream. It is active on nights of the new moon.
Folklore has it, that on moonless nights, this Pokemon will make people see horrific nightmares.
To protect itself, it afflicts those around it with nightmares. However, it means no harm.

Dasher stops dead in his tracks, and stares at the computer screen. "Full Moon's a Darkrai?"
"I think so."
"But that makes no sense! Darkrai are active on the NEW moon, according to your files, and I remember last night as a half-moon. The Pokemon who's afflicting us is probably FULL Moon from that journal, which also doesn't make sense. Then, there's also the fact that Darkrai give people nightmares, not possess them. Just as well, Darkrai aren't from Unova."
"Well, the possession came off with Dream Eater, didn't it? That would suggest that Bright was sleeping. Plus, Paul's journal said it was a foreign pokemon."
"But not that it was, by Mew, a legendary!"
Twirla snaps her fingers. "Watch the language Dasher." She huffs and runs her fingers down her hair. "You got any better ideas?"
Dasher mutters something about Psycho talking like that all the time, and no, he didn't have any other theorys.
"We'll have to go with this one." I declare. "Has anyone seen that Lunar Wing?"

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