Chapter 1, Part 5

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I gave a sigh of relief when Lotus said he might be able to solve the riddle. I don't admit it to their faces, partially because Dasher and Psycho never do either, but I care quite a lot for my brothers. Uncle Bright too, but I actually allow people to know the fact.

"Hmm. Ho-hum. Da-da-dee-dum." Lotus hums random tunes as he inspects the riddle. Spark has her tail around his shoulders. I swear, Spark care for only five other beings in the universe; Bright, Lotus, Joy-Joy, Twirla, and Rascal. Rumor has it that dear, elderly Rascal once had a heart attack. Spark refused to believe that he was dying, and shocked him back to life with a good strong Thunder. Dasher writes it off as common urban legend, but with the Five, you can never tell. Except for Twirla maybe, who adopted me and my brothers, abnormal power has driven them crazy in one way or another.
It takes some time, but Lotus finally stops inspecting the riddle. "What a funny rhyme. It goes by no rules, not iambic pentameter, just rhymes reasonably. Not haiku, or poetic form, or rules of any sort. Why-"
"Lotus!" I wondered when Dasher would get impatient with this. His one talent is making himself and everybody else irritable. However, it never works on Lotus, and this time is no exception.
"Don't worry Dasher, I got it. Lets start with the first line.

The night has come.
This bit's obvious enough. It means a time of peril and strife. Perhaps it even is a reference to the night itself. Wasn't that what happened with Bright and Psycho, disappearing at night? Wow, this won't help us sleep easy, will it?

The lady has sung.
This is more elusive. I know that it refers to a love interest, but how and why? Did she die? Betray someone? Leave her lover in favor of another? I can't tell. I bet she died, just because that tends to happen in tragic love stories.

Five days of searching have just begun.
I can assume it means we'll be searching for Bright and Psycho a while, and that this problem won't go away for five or so days, but it could mean that someone else is searching for something as well. Again, why?

On the twenty-fifth year after that fated third twenty-first.
You could have figured it out yourselves here, it's not that hard, actually. It talks about dates. The third month is March, and it's the twenty-first of March twenty-five years ago. Huh, today's the twenty first of March, isn't it Joy?

The dark one cries, he is once more cursed.
I have nothing to go on here. It could refer to a notorious ghost or dark type by 'the Dark one'. I doubt 'cursed' is talking about the move Curse."

It's not much more to go on than we had before, but it's something. Something bad happened because of a lady some dark or ghost type liked twenty-five years ago, and that dark or ghost type Pokemon... got cursed with the same bad luck again, I suppose? Remembered what happened twenty-five years ago, and is taking it out on us? At the least, it indicates that Psycho wasn't under his own will when he attacked Roku, since a lot of Ghost and Dark types can take hold of their victim's mind in some way.

Problem is, who's will was he and Bright under, and why did that Pokemon take them over?

It's just me and Lotus in the living room now. Everyone else went off in the forest to look for Psycho and Bright. If they find either of them, and if either of them attack... well, the plan is to knock them out and bring them home. We'd have to wing it from there.

Tap... Tap... Tap-tap... Tap...
Ugh, Lotus is driving me insane. We all decided that we should look up the date on a search engine in the living room's computer and see if we find any results. Of course, both Lotus and Dasher love messing around on the computer, so they both wanted to use it. Yes, just to type in a singular sentence on the search engine. Honestly, I'll never completely understand those two, even though I know Lotus like the back of my hand and can read his feelings like a book.
Naturally, Lotus claimed the right to do it because he figured out the riddle partway in the first place. Dasher had no real argument to that, so I let Lotus use the computer. It probably has sent Dasher into a bad mood though.

You might recall that Roserade have no hands, but roses in their place. Because of this biological oddity, Lotus ends up using vines that shoot out of the center-points of his roses - normally used for the attack Vine Whip - to do most things. Pick up objects, turn book pages, and rather laboriously, type. Typing goes very slowly for him. Thus, every two seconds he taps a key. It grates on your nerves after a while, especially if you're already on-edge.

Tap... Tap... Tap-tap... Tap...

" 'K Joy, I have the results," he calls out over his shoulder before returning to the screen.
I let out my held breath and flop over on the couch. "Finally! What you have you got?" He inspects the screen a moment, holding silent as he flips through the results. "Lotus?"
"Nothing," he chatters, "No unusual events happe- Oh wait, they held a Kanto League Tournament March 21 twenty-five years ago!"
Leave it to Lotus to focus on the useless facts. I get up off of the couch and walk over, looking at the screen from over his shoulder. "Let me look, Lo."
He scoffs and crosses his arms. "Uh-uh. I'm the one who-"
Regardless of Lotus's riddle-solving skills, I pick the squirming Roserade up out of the chair and set him firmly on the couch. "No fair Joy-Joy, it was my turn!" he protests with a pout.
Sitting down in the desk's chair, I start flipping through the results myself, It makes me wonder if I should have actually let Das- no, wait, he'd give me just as much trouble with his attitude. "For Mew's sake Lotus, I need to double-check this. Protest later, when I care." He sighs and brushes lint off of the sofa cushions. I suspect it's an attempt to make me feel guilty about foisting him off of the computer, of which I ignore.
Lotus was right, nothing came up on the date. Nothing but that Tournament. I guess I shouldn't have been so surprised, since the mansion is a bit secluded, somewhere off of Nimbasa and near the Entralink, that mysterious center to Unova. If anything strange happened here, no one would have been around to see it except the former mansion's owners.
How are we supposed to find the answers then? It's not like the mansion owners kept a record of this stuff.

Wait a minute...

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