20 Green with Envy

Start from the beginning


Ace was at my house now we had been working on our project every day for the past week. It was due on Monday today being Friday.

"Why is this scene important?" Asked Ace. He was writing the essay on the scene as I wrote the one on the whole story.

"Well, it is the first kiss between to main characters. The foundation of a character's relationship is based on this scene. It cannot seem too rushed because then it wouldn't be realistic but it also cant be to drawn out because then the rich play watchers would get bored. In Shakespeare's case, the love of Romeo and Juliette take place over mere days. They both fall for each other so quickly and they kiss when they first met. They only knew of each other. They had only spent an accumulation of a mere two hours before they decided to start making out. It really shows you what kind of people they are and how easily they fall in love with people. Personally, I think they are stupid. How can someone possibly fall in love with some teenage boy in three days pshh. sometimes I don't get why Shakespeare is so popular his plays are so unrealistic no right-minded writer would get away with making characters fall in love enough to die for one another in mere days."

Ace was typing everything I had said quickly adding his own observations as well. Once the writing portion of the assignment was done Ace and I began to practice the scene we would never actually do the kissing part at the end. Since it didn't require lines we just decided we didn't need to do it till the day of. We spent the rest of the weekend memorizing every line of Shakespeare dialogue contained in that scene. When we decided we had known it enough we called it quits and ate. Monday would come all too soon.


After eating lunch wich Ace and Kelly we made our way to our last class. Of course, we had to go last. The dread of waiting was horrible I was just itching to get this over with. We handed each of our essays to the teacher and walked to the front of the class as she excitedly clapped her hands. We got through or lines without a single hesitation Id even go as far to say we were good. But my classmates remembered this scene all to well when shy little Amy Myers and star football player Justin Blake had to read the kissing scene. They had all pulled out their phones knowing what was to come.

"Then move not while my prayer's effect I take thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purg'd, "Ace said his line. This was the scene we usually skipped over but in order to get a good grade he inched himself forward and capture my lips in his. I was shocked along with my class who gasped not thinking we were actually going to do it. His lips were very soft as they caressed my own. I barely had time to register it before he pulled back.

I stared at him, eyes wide until I remembered it was my line, "Sin from my lips? O trespass sweetly urg'd! Give me my sin again." As I requested he kissed me again this time longer. My class erupted into oooosss and awwees. His hands gently held my face as he kissed me tenderly. His kisses were different then Damian's. Damian's was a lot more passionate and needy Aces were soft and loving. We broke apart blushing furiously. The glasses mouths were still agape as the watched us take our seats. Not even a second later my phone started blowing up. The video was everywhere.

What the heck? I had opened my phone trying to free my boredom in my last class of the day. Unfortunately I came across a video posted by one of my peers. It showed Ace kissing Lara. It seems they just started making out in front of the class. I scrolled through the comments of said post and read everyone's opinions on the pair. Some people were jelouse some supportive. When Lara had told me that I was nothing but her brothers annoying friend I was hurt. I knew she had feelings for Ace but I did not expect everything we went through to vanish! If I could I would send Ace to another planet or even dimensions! He doesn't deserve Lara! I still love her and seeing her with him breaks my heart.


When I got out of class I didn't expect to see everyone huddled in front of their phones. When Ace and I passed they looked up before making comments to close friends. I walked over to where Jon was going to meet me. Saying he looked angry would be an understatement. He was pissed. His arms were crossed as he stared daggers at Ace. If he had his heat vision Ace would be melted ten times over. When we got close to him I noticed how his hand scrunched into a ball fighting back the urge to punch Ace in the face for laying a hand on his sister, but he knew it wasn't fair to you. You would never do that to one of his significant others. So he resorted to pulling ace close by the collar and whispering threats into his ear before turning around and ducking into the car. I apologized to Ace and made my way into the car as well where my father sat in the driver's seat looking utterly perplexed. That was until I heard the sound of something being thrown at the ground and shattered. I whipped around. It was Damian's phone. He had thrown it in what looks like anger no rage. He rushed over to me looking well heartbroken.

"Why?" he asked tears brimming the great Damian Waynes eyes.

"Why what?" I asked confused.

"Why did you kiss him?" I went to respond but he cut me off, "No nevermind I know why I can't hear you say it."

I stood there confused I reached out to him hoping to explain, "Damian I-"

He cut me off, "Did that night mean anything to you? Did our kiss mean anything to you?"

I heard my father yell a 'what' along with Jon and Ace stood scowling.

This made me angry."Did it mean anything to me! It meant the world to me! you are the one after days of sneaking around told Dick that you would never be with a girl like me. So tell me, Damian, what did it mean to you?"

He looked at me stunned his eyes looked guilty. "I'm sorry," he whispered.

"No, I have moved on Damian I like Ace now, I'm not going to keep beating myself up over you."

He looked at Ace with his sickening glare. His once sad guilty eyes brimmed over with a new emotion. This emotion did not look good on his handsome face. His emerald eyes intensified with pure jealousy. The beautiful eyes I fell in love with now green with envy.

The fourth wall has been shattered guys the amount of forshoadowing in this chapter is UNREAL lol u will get it next chapter of you don't already 😉

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