As the days go by

Start from the beginning

"Yes, Gonta think so too! Gonta happy that Kokichi take interest in this! Whenever Gonta ask others, they always say they busy..." he says, a tinge of sadness to his smile. It didn't take a genius to figure out that this had been weighing him down for a while.

Okay, the bugs were gross, but I'd feel gross if I left Gonta feeling like this. "Nishishi, well since I love bugs so much, let's do this again tomorrow!" I say, limiting it to one more day. I hated the bugs, but I did legitimately enjoy Gonta's company... eeeven if I manipulated him into the, uh, incident.

And admittedly, this had its own manipulative part to it: I figured if I agreed to come back tomorrow, I would get out of here sooner. And low and behold- "Really? That make Gonta so happy! Then yes, let's have more fun tomorrow!" He says, smiling wide.

"Great! Then I guess we're done for tonight!" I say, figuring now was my chance. Gonta looked surprised, but thought it over "Yeah... Gonta suppose so if Kokichi say it is." Bingo. I was free to go now. I mean sure I was going to have to come back tomorrow, but I could probably cut that down a bit too. With a dramatic turn and a "Welp, see ya!" I began walking out the door, but before I could...
"Wait-" said Gonta. I turned around, giving him a questioning look. Gonta froze for a few moments, before straightening his back a bit. "Sorry, Gonta know it not very gentlemanly to shout- but, Gonta also know that it not very gentlemanly to not say goodbye to friend before they leave, or thank them for spending time with you. So... Thank you! And Goodbye" he says, a smile plastered on his face and giving a friendly wave with his hand.

I dunno how he did it, but the big lug somehow got a genuine smile out of me. Realizing this, I quickly make it my overdramatic and energized one instead- "Yup! See ya, Gonta!" I say, waving as I finally left that disgusting house of bugs.

You know, despite the fact that he was obsessed with bugs, Gonta really was nice to hang around.

Shame the others don't want him to hang around me- even if I get why.

Mikan's POV:

It was early in the morning, and Ibuki walked into my office, clutching her stomach while dramatically leaning on the doorframe- "Uhg, Mikan, Ibuki should have listened to you yesterday. Ibuki thinks she ate too much shortcake." she says, looking pale in the face. Rushing up from my chair and to Ibuki, I help her lay down on the bed set up in the nurse's room.

Yesterday, while we were hanging out, Ibuki began scarfing down shortcake faster than I could have ever imagined- I knew that Hanamura's cooking was amazing, but at the same time it made me worried about her health. But when I had tried to warn her, she just continued and said: "Ahhh I'm sure I'll be fine".

And now the worst had happened. I got down some antacids from the medicine cabinet, and measured some out for Ibuki to drink. "Um, I k-know that it doesn't taste that good but... this should help with t-the stomach pain." I say, timidly handing it to Ibuki.

She took it, drank it, and scrunched up her face in disgust- "Aug, you weren't kidding! That tasted worse than a broken guitar string!" she says in disgust... I decide not to question it. The bad taste seemed to have made her a bit more aware but still... "S-Sorry! There isn't much else that I can do about this kind of pain." I say, wringing my hands. Ibuki shakes her head though, seemingly trying to be energetic despite still having pains.

"Nah, Ibuki gets it! Even if Ibuki's stomach hurts really bad, she gets to have a really cute nurse take care of her, so all's good!" she says, pumping an arm energetically in the air, before cringing and clutching at her stomach. "Ehehehe... guess I shouldn't do that, huh?" she says, smiling sheepishly.

Still flustered by her nurse comment, I give an absent-minded nod to Ibuki's question. "Um- y-you should probably rest a bit while we wait for the antacid to take effect." I say, beginning to put away the medicine. Ibuki gave an energized "Kk!" in response, and I sat back down in the office chair by my desk. I was told by the school to log any students who came in and why, so I had some paperwork to fill out.

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