Flight Company

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Chloe's P.O.V.
"Yes mom I'm on my way... I can't wait to see you and dad either... See you soon." I hang up.
"Next airplane to Portland leaves 22:30 in 10 minutes at entrance 6." A voice announces through the speakers. That's my plane! I put my backpack on, grab my suitcase and walk towards entrance 6.

"Do you want anything to drink or eat?" A stewardess ask me.
"No thank you."
She nods and walks to the next row. For once I actually got the window seat. Now I can look down at the landscape as we fly across it. It's so pretty.
"The airplane takes off in 5 minutes." The speakers interrupts my thoughts. Okay, five minutes, then 2 hours and I'll be back in Portland.
"Yes... No of course not... Can we hang up now... Alright... Yeah..." I look to my left to see a girl speaking on her phone. She's actually very pretty. She's putting her things in place next to me, so I assume she's gonna sit next to me. This flight couldn't get any better.
"Don't worry, nothing's gonna happen... I know... Okay... Oh sorry, I can't talk anymore, the plane takes off now. Bye!" The girl quickly hangs up, and sits down next to me. She let's out a relieved sigh. I wonder who she talked to. Hopefully not a girlfriend. Or worse, a boyfriend.
"Ehm, the plane doesn't take off before the next 3 minutes." I tell her. "You didn't have to hang up."
"Yes I did. I've been talking to my dad for the past five minutes. He doesn't think I can take a plane on my own apparently."
"Oh okay." Thank god. It wasn't a partner.
"Sorry for being rude. It's just, he has been going on me all day, and then he has to call me too. Right when I have to get on the plane."
"It's okay. Parents are just like that sometimes." I smile.
"They are!" We chuckle. She seems very sweet. I already like her. "I'm Beca by the way."
"Chloe." I say and shake her hand. She got a nice firm grip.
"So, why are you going to Portland, if I may ask?"
"I'm going to visit my parents. Since I moved away we haven't seen each other that much. What about you?"
"I'm going to visit my mom in Seattle."
"But this plane goes to Portland."
"Yeah I know. But I have to take another plane in Portland that will take me to Seattle."
"Ahh, okay. What about your dad?"
"My parents are divorced, so I only see my mom once a month. I couldn't move with her because my father insisted, that I needed to complete my college education, before going anywhere. And he still does."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"No don't be. I only got one year left so." She shrugs.
"Do you not like your father?" I ask curious.
"I do, he's just a bit too much sometimes."
"I think all parents can be that. Some just more often than others."
"Sound right." She gives me a confirming smile. I quickly return it.
"The airplane is about to take off. Please fasten your seatbelts and set all your electronics on airplane mode." The speakers announce. I do as told and then look out the window. I watch as we rise from the ground and everything seems smaller and smaller.

Beca's P.O.V.
Chloe has been looking out of the window for nearly 10 minutes. I have no clue why. I would actually like to speak to her, but she looks so pretty, staring out the window. All focused, and with a little cute smile on her lips. I don't know much about her, but she seems very sweet.
"What are you looking at?" I finally ask, after a little while.
"The earth. It's fascinating to watch it from above. Everything looks so small, but also so big. And all the light from the cities. It's like a completely different world up here." She answers mesmerised.
"Have you never sat at a window seat before?" I ask amused.
"Twice. But that doesn't matter. The view is so beautiful. I don't think I'll ever get tired of watching it."
"My view is beautiful too." Oh my god, did I just say that? Oh no.
She looks at me surprised. Quick Beca, think! Do something!
I give her a small wink. She blushes. Yes, saved by the bell!
"Thank you. You're beautiful too." She murmurs. I smile. She turns her head and we make eye contact. Her eyes are the most beautiful colour. It's like a little blue universe, with her pupil as centrum. And she has the brightest red hair, I've ever seen. I could sit like this for the rest of the flight.
"Do you guys want anything to drink or eat?" A stewardess interrupts our moment. We politely reject her, and watch as she continues to the next row.
"I'm glad I'm not a stewardess." I say, when she's a few more rows away. "Having to walk around all day, offering people gross food, that nearly nobody eats."
"Yeah, must be a really lousy job." She adds. We silently laugh.
"Hey, I just thought that, I don't actually know anything about you. And you don't know anything about me. Could we maybe introduce ourselves again, if you know what I mean?" She asks out of the blue.
"Yeah, of course." I begin to tell her all kinds of random stuff about myself. My interests, hobbies, dreams, my first pet and so on. She also tells me a lot about herself. We actually have many thing in common, and share a lot of favourites. It feels like we've known each other for ages, and not just 30 minutes. Time flies by, while we just talk and talk and talk.

"I don't know about you, but..." She covers her mouth and yawns. "...I'm really tired."
I smile "Me too. I think we still can get a little sleep. There's..." I check my watch, "...40 minutes left. We have talked for nearly 1 and a half hour!" I say impressed.
"Okay, lets go to sleep then." She leans her head on my shoulder and closes her eyes. "Can we sleep like this?" She asks.
"Of course." I say, and rest my head on top of hers.
"Thank you." She gives me a tired smile. Soon enough we're both fast asleep. 

I get awakened by another announcement from the speakers: "We land in Portland in 5 minutes. Please begin to pack your stuff away. Make sure to check under and above your seats, so you don't forget anything."
What? FIVE MINUTES?! Suddenly I'm wide awake. I get up in a rush and wake up Chloe in the hurry.
"What's happening Beca? Why are you so busy?" She asks,heavy with sleep.
"We land in five minutes. My plane to Seattle sets off 7 minutes afterwards. I have to leave this plane as fast as possible, so I don't miss the other plane."
"Oh, okay."
"Don't you have to pack your stuff away?"
"I don't have much stuff to pack. And my parents will pick me up, so I'm not in a hurry."
"I don't have a lot of stuff either, but the closer I get to the exit of the plane, the faster I will be out and on my way to the next one."
"Okay." She looks so cute. All tired, with her bright red hair everywhere. I can't just leave her like that. I look in my bag for my notebook and a pen. I rip out a piece of paper, and quickly scribble a little message down, before stuffing it in her backpack, making sure a little part is poking out, so she'll notice it.
"Bye Chloe." I say.
"Wait, you're leaving already?" She makes a little frown. I can't resist, but lean down to kiss the frown away. She smiles.
"That was better." I say, before grabbing all my stuff and heading towards the entrance.

Chloe's P.O.V.
She kissed me! Not on the lips, but she still kissed me! Sadly that was probably the last time I'll ever see her.
"Excuse me miss, will you please get ready to leave the airplane?" A stewardess rips me out of my trance.
"Yes, sorry." I quickly put my backpack on and grab my suitcase. Now I just have to wait till people start moving out.

"Hi Chloe sweetheart." My mom embraces me in a hug, and my dad soon follows.
"How are you?" She asks.
"I'm good." I say.
"You must be tired. Sit down in the car, so you can get home in bed." My dad says.

As I place my things in the trunk, I notice a little piece of paper poking out of my backpack. I quickly pick it up and enter the backseat. As soon as my dad starts the car, I take a closer look at the paper. It's a letter.

Dear Chloe
I'm sorry we didn't get to say goodbye properly.
I really enjoyed your company, and I hope you enjoyed mine too.
If you want, you can always call me.
Love, Beca

At the bottom of the letter is her number. I smile widely. I'm gonna call her as soon as I wake up tomorrow.

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