Captain Beca Mitchell

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Beca's P.O.V.
"What do you mean we need more crew members?" I yell at Emy, while pacing back and forth in the cabin of my ship, Angelica.
"I mean we need more crew members, since over half of them went off, as a protest for not getting paid enough." She repeats from behind my desk.
"Well, maybe the ship got plundered, because the one that was supposed to watch it, fell asleep!" I glare at her. So much for a good first mate.
"Beca, you need to seriously calm down. It's none of our fault, that the waves of the sea rocks Angelica like a cradle and makes relaxing sounds." She leans back in a chair, to mimic her words.
I sigh deeply. "So what do you suggest we do now? My whole crew except two is gone, so we can't really go anywhere. I can't bribe anyone to join us, and nobody voluntarily wants to come aboard without getting paid."
"I think we should jump off Angelica and search for new crew members, instead of just staying here and do nothing. There must be someone in this town you can make a deal with. We can make the last two watch Angelica while we're gone."
"Since it's our only opportunity." I stop pacing and walk out to the top deck. "Okay, you two." I look at my remaining crew members. "Stay here and watch the ship. Don't fall asleep, or you can walk the plank next time we enter open sea."
"Aye." They say simultaneous. I give them a thankful nod, before walking off Angelica with Emy.

The streets all smell like sweaty men, alcohol and rotten food. But Emy and me have been walking around here for quite a while now, so it's not that bad anymore.
"Uhrg Emy, we're never gonna find new crew members." I say despairing.
"Well at least we still have Angelica." She tries.
"Having a big nice ship means nothing, if you don't have enough crew members to use it."
"We are four people together. Isn't that enough?"
I turn around to face her, while continuing to walk. Backwards, this time. "We need one to steer the ship..." I count on my fingers. " least three people to watch the sail, one up the observation post-"
"Beca, I think you should-" Emy starts.
"Please don't interrupt me while I'm answering your question. Then there's-"
"Beca turn around!"
"Why should I-" My half finished question is answered, when I feel myself bump into someone. I slowly turn back around and stand face to face with a very gorgeous redhead.
"Uhm... hello... miss...?" I awkwardly say, while looking her up and down.
"Captain Chloe Beale. Former owner of Bella, now only my crew." She states, with a slightly faded pride.
"The famous Captain Beale!" I say impressed and rather embarrassed. "What exactly happened to your ship?"
"Mutiny." She just says. "Who are you?"
"I am the not that famous, but still a little famous, Captain Beca Mitchell. Current owner of Angelica, but no longer my crew."
"I think I've heard of you." She says thoughtful, with a smile on her lips. "I was actually looking for a new ship. What about you?"
"My first mate Emy and me came here to look for new crew members." I explain.
"Well, it seems like we both have something the other one needs. You have a ship, I have a crew." She points behind her, where about 6 people stand. Weirdly I haven't noticed them before.
"And what exactly are you trying to say?" I ask, even though I'm pretty sure I already know.
"Let's make a deal. If you are willing to share your ship and the role as captain with me, then I'm willing to share my crew with you." She holds out her hand towards me. "Deal?"
I take a quick glance at Emy, before firmly grabbing her hand. "Deal."

"There she is. My true beauty." I proudly walk towards Angelica with my arms wide open. I look back at the new crew members, and Chloe who looks pretty satisfied.
"I wasn't aware that she was that big." She says, rather impressed.
"What did you expect? A little sailor boat?" I tease her jokingly.
"No, but I did assume it had a certain size, since it needed a crew. This is totally fine!" She smiles widely.
I laugh a little, then turn my attention to the crew and her. "What do you guys say I show you around on Angelica?"
They answer me in a storm of aye's and Chloe nods confirming. "We'd appreciate that." She says smiling.
"Good. Follow me then." They follow me onto Angelica, where I show them everything over and above the deck. The hammocks they will sleep in, our storeroom, the different places to contribute work and the last two from my previous crew. Finally we end in front of the captains cabin.
"Alright guys, that was Angelica. This is the captains cabin, which, as it says, is for your captains. So you can go claim your own hammock now or explore the ship again. Whatever you may find interesting. We'll leave tomorrow." I turn towards Chloe, and make an exaggerated hand motion towards the cabin door. "You go first." I say. She laughs and playfully rolls her eyes, but enters anyway. I follow right behind her.

Chloe looks around the cabin for a while, before speaking up. "It's a pretty nice cabin. Neither too small nor oversized." She compliments. Her eyes then land on my bed in the corner. "Where's the other bed?"
"Ehhh..." I start. Why didn't I think of that before? "You see, normally there's only one captain. So therefore, there's only one bed." I flash my teeth in a weird apologetic grimace, you can't even call a smile.
"Well, what are we gonna do then?" She asks in a slightly amused tone.
I think for moment, before I speak up. "We can take turns between sleeping in the bed and in a hammock among the crew, or one of us has to budge and permanently sleep in a hammock. The floor is too uncomfortable to even be an option."
"I can't sleep in a hammock on a ship. It makes me dizzy." She explains.
"Well, I don't want to sleep among the crew every single night. I'm also captain of this ship." I can't help but let out a small laugh at the ridiculous situation.
Then I realise it. I look at Chloe who, by the look on her face, must have realised it too.
"Seem like there's only one option left." Chloe finally speaks up.
"Yeaaah..." I alternate my gaze between her and the single bed. I can't believe this is really going to happen.

"If you just lay still, I won't accidentally hit you in the face or something." I tell her, and crawl over her chest to the opposite side of the bed.
"Why can't you just lay outermost?" She asks amused.
"I told you. I like to sleep against the wall."
"You're so weird!" She laughs.
"Nobody's perfect." I wink at her, then plump down beside her on my back. We're now lying shoulder against shoulder. I could get used to this.
"Goodnight Beca." She whispers.
"Goodnight Chloe." I whisper back. I then close my eyes and slowly fall asleep.

I wake up to the sound of knocking on the door.
"Excuse me captains? Are you guys awake? The crew wants to know when and where we're heading." It's Emy's voice.
"We're coming." I groan tiredly. I slowly open my eyes, only to be met by another pair of crystal blue ones. "Chloe?" I murmur. I try to get up, but quickly realise I can't.
"What's going on?" She asks drowsy.
"I'm not sure..." As I begin to stir, I become more and more aware of what exactly is going on: Our bodies are completely tangled up together. My cheeks turn into a bright pink colour, and so do hers. "Oh... Ehm... sorry... I shouldn't..." I try to wriggle myself free.
"No don't be. As much as it's you as much is it me." She giggles, and starts to wriggle too.
Just as I'm free I accidentally hit her in the ribs. She lets out a small "Ah!" and falls to the floor.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I rush towards her and grab her hands to pull her up. "You need to help me, okay? On three... One, two, three!" We both either pull or push as much as we can, which results in her flying up in my embrace with such speed, I barely manage to keep on standing.
"Well that was... interesting." She giggles. As we continue to stand there in each other's embrace, I can't help but laugh.
"What's so funny?" She begins to laugh too.
"I don't know. First we're lying in the bed completely tangled up together and then you're suddenly on the floor." I laugh. "Then we nearly both ended up on the floor, because you just flew into me!" We laugh hysterically.
"Maybe we should get out to our crew." She manages to get herself together for a moment.
"Why?" I asks out of breath.
"We need to give them a heading."
"Okay." We burst out laughing again.

We stumble out of the cabin door, clinging to each other, laughing like there was no tomorrow. The whole crew is staring at us.
"Okay what's happening, what have you taken?" Emy asks amused.
"Nothing." I wipe my tears. "I think we're done now."
We finally let go of each other.
"Captains, where are we heading?" One of the new crew members asks us.
Chloe looks at me. "What do you say we chase the horizon?" She asks.
"Sounds like a promising plan."
I move to the centre of the deck and start yelling the orders to the crew: "ALL CREW MEMBERS ON THE DECK. RISE THE ANCHOR AND PREPARE THE SAILS!" They instantly follow orders, and soon the deck is filled with life.
"You forgot one thing." Chloe makes her way towards me.
"What? I'm pretty sure Angelica doesn't need more to sail."
She gives me a smirk and then takes her hands to her mouth like a funnel. "HOIST THE COLOURS!" She yells. The crew answers with thrilled aye's, and moments after our flag is hoisted and flaps proudly in the wind. Chloe looks smugly at me.
"Great idea captain." I compliment her.

We have now left the harbour and are on our way towards the open sea. It feels amazing to sail again. I feel so free standing behind the steering wheel, with the view off the deck and the sea in front of me.
"Are we just gonna sail without actually having a heading?" Chloe stands next to me.
"Yes. Let's see where Angelica brings us."
"You're so adventurous." She smiles at me.
"I prefer it that way."
She chuckles and softly leans against me, with her head on my shoulder. "Are we steady captain?"
"Yup." I answer. "Steady as she goes!"

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