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No one's P.O.V.
"Save the red haired girl. Save her!" Beca heard a loud voice say.
"Who is this?" She asked confused.
"Her name is Chloe. You have till tomorrow, when the sun sets completely."
"Wait, what happens afterwards?"
"You won't be able to help her anymore."
A sharp white light appeared and Beca had to cover her eyes.

When she removed her hands again she was in a narrow alley. Where am I? Beca thought to herself. She took a step out and looked around. The street she had entered wasn't a very nice one. It lied in the shadow of a big building and was pretty chill. At the end of it was a wider and more sunny street, where people walked by. She decided to walk towards the people.

When she entered the sunny street, she was quickly surrounded by people walking by. No one really seemed to notice her, they were all busy during their own things. Beca tried to look after... what was she looking after? She knew she had to look after something. Or maybe someone? She didn't know why, but she was sure it was important. She continued to look for a few minutes, but found nothing. She decided to just go back to where she started. Maybe she had overlooked something?
On her way back she heard some muffled voices. She looked to her left, and saw a group of boys in another wider alley, who looked at her. They didn't seem very nice. Beca walked faster and  soon slid into the narrow alley where she started. Did they follow her? Slowly she looked out. The street was empty. Relieved she turned around, to search for the important thing she forgot.

"Yeah, I'm on my way home right now. I just walked into this weird street." A distant voice was heard. It was clearly a female voice. Curious Beca stopped searching and looked out. It was a red haired woman, (a very pretty one actually) who was speaking on her phone. "Okay, see you later Aubrey." The woman hang up. Something inside Beca, told her that she needed to keep an eye on this woman. So she did.
"Hey you!" A guy from the other alley shouted. Beca couldn't see him or the other boys, but she knew it was one of them.
"Ehm, can I help you?" The woman asked nervously and stopped.
"Yes. Why don't you come over here so we can show you?" Another one shouted.
"No thank you." The woman began walking away.
"Alright, we'll get you ourselves." Steady steps could be heard. The woman looked scared, and picked up her pace. Then Beca remembered what she was looking for. Or rather, who she was looking for: The red haired woman. Chloe! She needed to save her!
"Chloe!" Beca whisper-shouted, as soon as she was in earshot. "To you right, you can hide over here!" Chloe stopped hesitating. Could she trust the voice? She looked around nervously, but as soon as her eyes met Beca's friendly ones, she rushed in behind her.
"Where is she? I swear she went this way, you saw it too!" They heard one of the guys say.
"She's a very fast and very quiet runner, if she didn't hide somewhere near." Another one quickly concluded. "Go look for her!"
Chloe's heartbeat increased. Scared she looked at Beca, who panicky searched for a way out. Beca noticed the alley wasn't a dead-end, and quickly took Chloe's hand and guided her away. They could hear the boys voices in the background, as they ran away.

"Thank you so much for saving me! I can't imagine what would've happened if you weren't there!" Chloe said, as soon as they had gotten further away.
"Ehm, no problem. It's okay now, you don't need worry."
"I won't. I'm safe now." Chloe assured.
"What do you mean by that?" Beca asked a little confused.
"I don't know why, but... I trust you. That's why I hid behind you instead of running away." Chloe looked at Beca.
"If I'm being honest, I would also rather be with one stranger than a whole group of strangers." Beca added laughing.
"Uhrg, you know what i mean!" Chloe laughed.
"Of course I do."
"Thank you you again, ehm..."
"Beca. I'm Chloe by the way."
"Yeah i know." Beca smiled.
"Yes, you called me by my name in the alley! How did you know my name?"
"Ehmm..." Beca started. She had to quickly find an excuse. She couldn't tell Chloe, that some weird loud voice had told her to save her. "I heard it. On the phone. Your friend said your name once."
"Oh, okay. That explains it." Chloe chuckled.

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