Chapter Two: The End is Here

Start from the beginning

Reid didn't dare look up past the male's shoulders. Its hood obscured the face of the Naerian, but Reid knew. And he knew that he was in trouble.

Fear curled in his gut like a clenched fist so tense that it ached.

He held his breath as the Naerian slowly crouched down, plucking a tiny black box that had slipped from Reid's pocket during the fall. He examined it closely, shaking the box with black glove-covered fingers, listening to the twenty pills inside slam against the walls of aluminum.

Reid's suppressants.

The human gulped as the Naerian's head turned in his direction. He still couldn't see the male's face from the dim lighting and the large hood, but he knew he was being studied.

"This is an illegal drug," the male said. His voice was thick with a heavy accent. It was as if his mouth wasn't meant to form the human language so things The sound sent shivers down Reid's spine.

And not ones of fear.

Reid's head swam as a wave of numbness slammed into him. His hands started to shake.



This couldn't be happening. Not now.

Not now.

Reid scrambled to his feet, trying to move quickly, but his limbs felt heavy, his body sluggish. He leaned against the nearest wall for support, forgetting his medicine and his mother's. Leaving everything behind, he was desperate to get away.

He wasn't going to let them take him.

He had to get away before the Naerian smelled it.

His Rut.

"No," Reid whispered brokenly, practically crawling away from the Naerian. His legs felt heavy like they were full of lead, chained to the ground, forcing him to stay there and every second that passed was a yank backward. A pull toward the Naerian.

The blood pumped in his veins rapidly, his vision blurring, his agility failing, and his body preparing. It coated his boxers and nearly seeped into his pants. He was so caught up in fighting his Rut, he didn't even realize his skin began to glow. Darken with thick black splotches only growing larger in size as the seconds passed on. Thousands of spots appeared on his skin like glittering stars, all bright neon colors that crept up his arms. Colors that mimicked the throbbing colors in the Naerian's morá.

Reid had heard of this happening. Was even warned by his colleagues who were forced into a bonding. If it wasn't happening to him, he might have even thought it was beautiful.

But it was happening to him and it was anything but.


The Naerian stood slowly and watched the redrya try to escape. He saw every slip and stumble as the Rut overcame him. The male didn't know why he did not claim what was rightfully his. He just stared, holding his breath so the release of pheromones would not overwhelm him.

And the redrya escaped, leaving all that was his behind.

Only when the redrya was a safe distance away, did the male dare a sniff, locking on to the delicious scent that evoked his own Rut and stored it in his memory. He'd hunt him down later.

And it didn't matter where the redrya ran, he would find him.


When Reid got home, he stumbled into his room, locking the door. He jerked his pants down to his ankles and peeled his soaked boxers down. His hands flew to his erection, rubbing and groping until he came.

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