Return to Shrine Life?

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When morning came, it was Tomoe's turn to be surprised, once again. Whenever Tomoe opened his eyes the next morning, he couldn't see past a wall of white fur. He pulled his face away, and gazed at the sleeping form of fox (Y/N). Her trembling and whimpering had long since faded, and she now purred softly in her sleep. Using the arm that wasn't wrapped around her, he softly poked her ear. They flicked, but she didn't stir. He poked them again. Another flick. A smirk made its way onto his lips without him even realizing it. He brushed his finger against the fluff rimming her ear, just barely touching the fur. Both her ears twitched. He did it again, and her tail flicked.

"Nooooo..." Came a whining grumble.

Tomoe chuckled. "If you can talk in animal form, why do you always make me play charades?" His voice held a hint of a smirk.

"Cause it feels weird." She muttered. She finally moved, and looked up at him. She blinked her bleary eyes a few times. It seemed to take her a moment to process what was going on, and when it clicked, she scrambled away from him. Her paws skidded across the wooden floor, and she glowered at him. "Jerk."

"Why am I a jerk? I was just trying to help. Besides..." A snarky smirk pulled up the corner of his lips. "If I remember correctly, I placed you next to me. I wasn't the one who moved you~" He hummed in his smooth voice.


If foxes could blush, you would most certainly be as red as a cherry. "I don't know what you're talking about." You huffed, and turned away from him.

"Are you going to pout now?" He snickered.

"You know, you sure don't treat me like a millennia old goddess. I don't know if I like your casual tone." You grumbled, your tail flicking back and forth uncomfortably.

"Are you going to change back, or do you plan on staying like that?" Tomoe asked.


"No you aren't changing back, or no you don't plan on staying like that?"

"I don't want to change back, now quiet down!" You whined. Your ears were folded as close to your head as they could get, but his voice was still like a jackhammer against your head.

Tomoe's smirk grew even bigger. "Are you hungover?" You didn't answer, and he took that as a yes. "I didn't know goddesses could get a hangover." He chuckled.

"Shut up, you stupid fox." You grumbled. "I thought we'd already established that my metabolism and healing rate are barely above a humans, so don't make fun of me."

"Now, where would be the fun in that?" He hummed, as he leaned forward, and flicked the tip of your tail.

You yelped, and jumped away from him. "You know, you can be a real asshole sometimes." You growled.

"Oh, is that so? I never knew that." Tomoe's voice oozed with sarcasm.

"Whatever. We have to leave today. I don't know how you plan on getting back, but have fun figuring it out."

"How are you getting back?"

"I'm going with Ryuu, and you aren't invited!" You barked, before turning and leaving the room.


Timeskip to Mikage Shrine!!


You and Ryuu were the first to arrive back at the shrine, as you'd hoped and expected. You climbed off of Ryuu's back, and he transformed back into his human form. "Milady, how's your head?" He asked, looking at you worriedly.

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