Damn Snake

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Hello dear readers! Sorry I've been so slow to publish an update to this story! I hope you can forgive me! To make up for it, I'm publishing two chapters in one day. This is the second one, so I hope you enjoy! Leave a comment, and tell me what you think. Comments help motivate me to keep writing. The more comments, the faster I will try to update.


Tomoe woke up bright and early, as he always did. He pulled the blankets off of himself, and stood to get changed. He stepped towards his dresser, and nearly stepped on a white bundle of fur. Taken aback, he knelt next to the small ball of white. (Y/N)? He questioned quietly. What is she doing in my room? Tomoe hesitated for a second, and looked around, confirming to himself that he was, in fact, in his own room. He stepped around the bundle of fur, and noticed that Kenji had fallen asleep under her tail. He smiled, grabbed his clothes, and headed to the bathroom to change. He went about his normal routine, and got everything in order before he had to wake up Nanami for school.

When breakfast was made, he entered Nanami's room, and threw a pillow at her face. "Get up!" He barked. The girl groaned, and rolled over, so he grabbed the edge of her bed, and flipped her. Nanami squealed, as she tumbled across the cold ground.

"Why do you have to be so mean, Tomoe?" She whined, as she groggily got to her feet.

"You are the one who insisted on continuing attending school. I am simply doing what you requested." Tomoe stated bluntly.

"I asked you to wake me up, not throw me out of bed!" Nanami grumbled.

"It did the primary task, did it not?" Tomoe sighed, as he exited the room.

Nanami took a shower, and got changed. When she was ready she entered the kitchen for breakfast. "Where's (Y/N)? She's usually awake by now."

"She is still resting. Now hurry up and eat."

"Why aren't you throwing her out of her bed?"

"Because she doesn't need to be awake. Besides, her wounds are still healing. She needs as much rest as she can get."


When you finally woke, most of the day had passed. You stretched, and strolled out of the room. Tomoe was busy dusting and sweeping the shrine. When he saw you he raised an eyebrow, and smirked. "I didn't think a fox could get bed head." He chuckled.

You huffed at him, and went out the open door, to sit on the steps of the shrine. He came out, and sat next to you. "Are you planning on turning back to your regular form any time soon."

You grunted at him, and tugged once on the sleeve of his kimono.

"What? Do you need a change of clothes?"

You nodded your head.

"I'll see what I can find. Of course, you can't keep wearing my kimono's. We need to get you some of your own." He said as he reentered the shrine, and entered his room. After a minute, he emerged holding a lavender kimono. He carried the kimono to the bathroom, at your insistence, and left. When the door clicked closed, you transformed back into your human form. You got undressed, and took a quick shower, before changing into the new kimono. 

When you were clean, and clothed, you exited the bathroom, and headed to the kitchen. Your foot was killing you, but you did your best to keep from limping. You sagged into one of the chairs around the table, and stretched the stiffness from your back. Tomoe brought you a bowl of rice, and a grilled fish, and sat opposite you. You thanked him for the food, and began to pick listlessly at the rice. You stole a glance at him, and saw his bandaged hand. You felt your fox ears droop. "I'm sorry about your hand." You mumbled.

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