Izumo Dilemmas

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When you finally woke up, you were laying on a futon. You pushed yourself up, and looked around. Your body hurt all over, but you didn't care at the moment. Forcing yourself to stand, you headed out the door. Before you could get more than a few steps across the porch, Nanami turned the corner. She held several fuketsuda in her arms, and a determined look on her face. When she spotted you, her eyes widened. 

"(Y/N)! You're awake!" Nanami ran to hug you, but decided against it given your wounds. She stopped, and looked at you with tear filled eyes. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have just left you behind like that." 

"Don't worry about it. It was too dangerous for you to stay, and it was my choice to send you off with Tatakai." You smiled at her, before looking around. "Where is everyone?"

Nanami's face fell. "About that..."


"Get out of my way unless you want to get hurt." You growled at the stupid rabbit who blocked your way. 

"I can't allow you to enter the prison!" The rabbit squeaked.

"I warned you." You growled. You grabbed the rabbit by the ears, and hurled it over your shoulder. With a satisfied nod, you entered the east prison. 

You walked fast, scanning each cell as you passed. That's when you spotted them. They were each locked in a cell, side by side. Ryuu leaned against their adjoined wall, while Tomoe's back rested against the cell front. "You two just don't know how to stay out of trouble, do you?" You chuckled. Ryuu and Tomoe turned to face you.

"Milady!" Ryuu called. He grabbed the cell door, the chains around his wrists rattling, and looked out at you. "They wouldn't tell me what happened to you!"

"I'm fine, just a little worn out." You smiled at your old familiar. "So then, it seems that when I passed out, someone attacked Ikusagami in order to get into the Grand Shrine."

"It was the fox's fault! He insisted that he didn't want to try negotiating with Ikusagami!"

"But you also attacked Ikusagami." You noted.

Ryuu flushed. "Yeah... I mean... that's true... but he said some unforgivable things about you..." Ryuu muttered. 

You sighed. "What am I going to do with you?" You turned to Tomoe, who had been silent this entire time.  "So, is it safe to assume that some of your attitude came back with your yokai powers?" You called to him.

No answer.

"Oi, I'm talking to you!" 

Still nothing.

"Fine then." You took a step forward, and transformed in an instant. Your body shrunk until it was that of a tiny mouse. You ran through one of the holes between the bars, and came to a stop in front of Tomoe. You turned back to your human form, and sat down opposite the fox yokai. "This is a gift from Nanami. It's peach pills. She was worried about you." You placed a small bottle full of pink pills in front of him. "So, why are you still in here? If you renewed the familiar contract they would probably let you go. I understand why Ryuu is here, but what about you?"

Tomoe glanced at the bottle, then turned away. "I don't need anyone's help." He finally spoke.

You frowned. "Ryuu, explain?"

"He's brooding because he doesn't know if he wants to be a familiar again." Ryuu called to you.

"Got it." You nodded, before smiling. "Ryuu, break a hole in the wall so you can come over here if you want." You called.

"No problem." There was a loud bang, and a chunk of the wall went flying over your head. Ryuu stepped through the dust cloud. 

"Now then, until Tomoe comes to a decision, I'll be staying right here." You stated, before laying back and resting your head on the ground.

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