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"Tomoe, step froward." You stated.

He didn't move.

You chuckled and shook your head. "Defiance is fine, I suppose." You muttered, before returning to the matter at hand. "Tomoe, do you desire to become a familiar once more, or do you wish to remain a wild yokai?"

He remained silent.

You took a calming breath. "Tomoe, please. Speak what you are thinking and feeling. What you do next is entirely up to you."

He met your eyes, but still didn't speak.

You sighed. "Alright, then I will wait until you come to a decision. Mikage shrine will remain your home unless you decide otherwise. I will take personal responsibility for your supervision until you choose."

You looked to Ookuninushi. "There is one last thing I must request."

"What might that be?"

"I want all of you to spread the word. If anyone who has a grudge against either of them or the human god, they can bring it up with me personally. Human, god, yokai, everyone has to go through me if they want to get to them. Tell them they can find me at Mikage shrine, or send me a message through any of my creatures. I will hear out any of their grievances, and accept any request for combat." Your voice radiated with power. "If anyone tries to go after them directly, they will have to answer to my full wrath." You directed your last sentence at Ikusagami.

"Very well, I will do as you ask. However, to keep up appearances, I will give both of them a punishment of... community service." Ookuninushi stated. Your eyes narrowed. "It's nothing to worry about. I mean menial tasks, feeding the fish, weeding the garden, and cleaning the familiar's quarters."

"I understand. I will insure that their tasks are carried out."


You stopped, and swept the sweat from your brow. After the meeting with Ooki, you'd divided up the tasks. You took the job of cleaning the familiar's quarters, gave Tomoe the job of feeding the fish, and Ryuu the job of weeding the garden. Ryuu had protested vehemently, saying that it was their punishment, but you'd ignored him.

With a satisfied nod, you left the spotless familiar's quarters. It had taken two days to fully clean the quarters, and it wasn't exactly gratifying work. Every time one of the other familiars passed, you could hear them muttering insults and curses. It didn't surprise you, even though you were the god of beasts, they all adapted the opinions of their masters.

You decided to check on Ryuu and Tomoe, before stopping to rest for the day. Ryuu was busy weeding the massive garden, so you decided against bothering him. You instead headed to find Tomoe. When you arrived, things weren't going well. A group of three familiars were verbally harassing him while he fed the goldfish.

"You're an eyesore!" One of the dog boys shouted. Tomoe didn't respond, he simply continued his task.

"A wild fox like you has no right to be in Izumo!" Another barked.

"If you three have a problem with him being here, you can bring it up with me." You growled, stepping between them and the hunched form of Tomoe.

The three dog familiars stepped back hesitantly, but the lead antagonist wasn't done. "I know you. You're the beast goddess!" He grumbled. "I've heard all about you from my master. You broke one of the taboos, and were disgraced!" Tomoe seemed to take interest in his statement, so he finally stopped and turned. "You even abandoned your responsibilities. You are the lowest of all the gods!"

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