I Can Never Love

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Nanami was deeply saddened by your words, but she didn't argue with you. She could see the resolve in your eyes, and she knew she couldn't dissuade you. After a few minutes of silence, you glanced over at Nanami. "You like him, don't you." You smiled at the girl.

A blush spread across her face. "W-what would give you t-that idea?" She stuttered.

"Call it, female intuition." You chuckled.

She turned as red as a tomato. "Is it that obvious." She mumbled.

"To me? Yes, but I'll let you in on a little secret." You smiled at her.


"Tomoe is about as oblivious to love as a blind man is to the color red."

She burst out laughing. "But he acts so flirtatious around other girls."

"That's fake affection. It's kind of like an actor in a play. When it comes to real love, he's a little hard headed." You snickered. "Which means, you'll have to be a little assertive if you want him to notice." You hinted at her.

"Would you be mad at me if I did that?" She mumbled nervously.

"What would make you think that?" You shook your head. "I've watched Tomoe grow up, just like I have with every other creature. I've seen every hardship he's had to endure, and I want nothing more than for him to find happiness." You stated truthfully.

"Alright." Nanami smiled happily at you.

"I do have to warn you though. Tomoe's heart is locked away in a steel cage. It won't be easy to get him to open up his heart."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, he's a little rough around the edges. He is very indelicate when it comes to his feelings, so move carefully."

"Any other advice... when it comes to... boys?" She asked hesitantly.

You sighed, trying to think. "Well, first, don't take rejection too hard. They have every right to turn you down as you do them. It is simply matters of the heart, and you shouldn't let it get in the way of friendships or duties." She nodded in understanding, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Second, your heart is never wrong, but there may be some situations when you have to choose between love and safety. Just as the last woman who loved Tomoe had to. Whatever your decision, you can't waver. If you waver even slightly, you could end up losing both." You explained, doing your best to choose your words carefully. "Other than that, I'm not sure what to tell you. It's always a gamble putting your heart on your sleeve, so you have to play each situation by ear, and improvise as you go."

Nanami smiled brightly at you. "Thanks a lot, (Y/N)."


The next day, you saw Tomoe and Nanami off to school, before wasting the day with menial chores. It wasn't until you saw how low the sun had gotten, that you noticed Tomoe and Nanami were late. You reentered the shrine, to find the two shrine spirits. "Hey, Onikiri, Kotetsu." You called for the will-o-wisp.

They popped into existence in front of you. "Yes, Lady (Y/N)?"

"Where are Tomoe and Nanami? They should have been back hours ago." You inquired.

"It seems that Lady Nanami wanted to spend the day outside the shrine." Onikiri explained.

"That seems sudden." You frowned.

"It would appear that they are on a date." Ryuu appeared behind you.

"A date?" You looked at Ryuu with confusion.

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