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Tomoe was shocked by the goddess's words. She's the daughter of a fallen god! Is that why the other gods hate her so much? He thought to himself. Tomoe returned his attention to (Y/N), eager to learn more.

"My mother died not long after I was born, and my father abandoned me when I was ten, so Izanami raised me instead. I became the god of beasts... but also the guardian god." (Y/N) seemed to struggle telling them all of this information.

"What do you mean guardian god?" Nanami interrupted.

"I was tasked with protecting not only Yomi, but it was also my responsibility to defeat opponents that the other gods could not or would not defeat. Not long after I was tasked as a guardian, I was given the task of protecting something that would forever change my life." She once again stopped, grappling with her own thoughts.

"She was tasked with protecting a beast so powerful, it could destroy the world, and us gods along with it, and rebuild it on its own." Ookuninushi finished her thought for her.

"That's incredible! You must be insanely powerful to get that job!" Nanami smiled, completely ignorant of the mood.

"Because of that responsibility, I became the target of several deplorable creatures. Fallen gods and Yokai of all kinds began to hunt me, for I was the only way to gain access to the beast." (Y/N)'s eyes fell to her hands, which she nervously wrung.

"How terrible." Nanami's light mood fell away, leaving only a growing sadness.

"I didn't have any problems. Whether there was one, hundreds, or tens of thousands, I was able to defeat them. That is until one day a fallen god discovered my weakness. Alone, my weakness toward iron provided nothing but a nuisance. All I had to do was avoid it as much as I could, while also becoming proficient at combat in all my forms. For millennia I survived without fearing the unavoidable encounters." She froze, and glanced nervously at Ookuninushi.

"It's time you trusted someone with this knowledge. You can't keep hiding away your heart." The god of wealth whispered to the girl.

(Y/N) sighed, and continued once more. "A little over 500 years ago, my life was turned into a true hell. A fallen god convinced a group of Yokai, and another fallen god, to work together with him to get the better of me. He'd concocted a plan to capture me, that was nearly foolproof. He used my transportation ability against me, and, while I was overwhelmed by the Yokai, he bound me in iron chains. For almost a year the two fallen gods tortured me, but I wouldn't break. I finally managed to escape, but I was permanently damaged. After a year of being wrapped in iron, my body lost the immense healing ability that the gods share. I became vulnerable, and terrified. I stayed near the forest at all times, and didn't grow close to anyone." She looked up at Tomoe, but the second their eyes met, she looked away. "That's it. Now you know why I'm so dangerous to be around." She mumbled.

"How awful that must have been for you... I can't imagine the amount of pain you were forced to endure." Tomoe muttered, his face slack from shock. I saw the kinds of things they did to her in a few hours, I can't even begin to imagine the things they did to her in almost a year! Tomoe thought to himself. He looked at the goddess, a whirlwind of emotions churning inside of him. He was sad that she had to go through all of that, angry at those who'd caused her such pain, and guilty that he'd allowed it to happen to her again.

"It doesn't matter, what's done is done. I don't like to think back to those times." You half hissed, glaring at your own hands.

"If you don't mind me asking, what exactly is the beast you're protecting?" Nanami questioned.

"It's a dragon. It can alter it's size, but it's originally so large that it could circle the earth several times. His color changes constantly, and he is overly protective of me, but he can't do anything." (Y/N) explained.

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