Glimpse of the Past

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This will be a long chapter to make up for taking so long. Hope you enjoy!


When Nanami and the others returned from the beach, things were uncomfortable (and not because of the new familiar, Mizuki). Nobody asked you anything, but nobody really spoke either. It made the shrine eerily quiet. You hoped everything would simply blow over, but that turned out not to be the case. It was a few weeks later, when everyone was at the shrine. Tomoe was cleaning, alongside Ryuu and Mizuki, and you and Nanami were sitting in the shrine relaxing at the moment.

"Hey, (Y/N)..." Nanami mumbled.

You looked over to the human god. "What is it?"

"Can we go for a walk?" She asked you. The question seemed like an innocent one, but you could tell by the look in her eyes that it wasn't.

You sighed. "If that's what you want."

She smiled, and led the way out of the shrine. Ryuu noticed, and took a step towards you. You waved him off. This was something that you needed to handle alone if possible. Nanami walked a good distance into the woods, before stopping, and turning to you.

She was quiet at first, pondering over how to word her next question. "(Y/N), will you tell me about your past with Tomoe." The dreaded question you'd been waiting for.

"It's not something you need to concern yourself with." You whispered.

"Please." Nanami said adamantly. "When Mizuki and I went to the past, we saw the two of you. I understand that I'm just a human, and I could never comprehend the full extent of your past, but I want to try. I want to understand the two of you better." Her voice which started as strong and steady, slowly softened and began to waver.

"It isn't easy to handle, our past." You replied.

"Is that why Tomoe doesn't remember?" She asked, some of the strength returning to her voice. "That story you told me before, about the woman who loved Tomoe and took away his memories, that was you wasn't it."

You felt your stomach tighten. As I thought, she's figured it out. "If you really want to know, I can show you, but you can never tell anyone about what you see." You stated. "I'm only doing this because I am a guest in your shrine, and he is your familiar."

"Not because we're friends?" She seemed a little deflated as the question left her lips.

"It's because we're friends that I don't want you to see." You replied simply.

Nanami seemed to think on your words for a moment, before looking you in the eyes. Her eyes had taken on a steely resolve, and you realized she'd made up her mind. "I want to do this. Even if I can't tell anyone about it."

You nodded, and sat down on the ground cross-legged. You gestured for Nanami to do the same, and she did. "If this is what you have decided, I will show you. Part of my power allows me to perceive the thoughts of other creatures. Because of that, I must always stay on guard. If I don't, others may perceive my own thoughts. On the occasions when I let my mental guard down, such as when I am in pain, asleep, or drunk, others can view... private things. Tomoe has accidentally done it twice. You will perceive things as though you were dreaming, but will fully recall it when you regain consciousness." You explained. "As a  precaution..." You whistled into the woods. Slowly several animals emerged from the forest, and approached you. Most of them were birds and deer. "Please, don't let anyone approach us. It is of great importance that no one touches me." You instructed the animals. When you were satisfied, you turned back to Nanami. "Whenever you are ready, take my hand, and I will show you a glimmer of the past."

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