Chapter 34 : I hope someone calls me and I can escape this room.

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I'm a muslim too💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️

I'm updating because I'm finally finished with my finals, and have literally nothing else to do.

So please dont forget to vote and comment, im always waiting for feedback

Chapter 34 : I hope someone calls me and I can escape this room.


"Sugar?" I ask Aaron as I add sugar to my cup of coffee.

"Sure." Aaron responds.

"You know I just, I don't understand!" I exclaim suddenly as I stir the coffee.

"You're talking about physics?" Aaron asks jokingly as he laughs.

"Ha ha, very funny." I said, rolling my eyes but chuckling lightly afterwards.

"I mean that too," I say, "but I meant why they didn't invite me."

"Good god Oreo, it's called a double date, for couples only." Aaron says, emphasizing the word 'only'.

"I don't care about your opinion." I tell Aaron, starting to make my own cup of coffee now.

Aaron doesn't respond which is very weird and unnatural of him, he usually lives off his snarky remarks.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion as I turn around, only to find Aaron's eyes planted right on my butt.


"Up here." I snapped, crossing my arms.

Aaron immediately looked up at my face, "What?" he asked nervously.

I smirked, "You tell me."

"Huh?" Aaron continued playing dumb as his face turned red.

"Huh." I repeated, mocking him as I turned around once again and continued making the coffee.

"I don't understand.." Aaron chuckled, looking anywhere but my face.

"Do you like staring at every girl's butt?" I asked as I settled the coffee cup in front of him.

"Thank you," Aaron muttered before adding, "I mean, why would you just ask that?"

I lowered myself till I reached Aaron's eye level, the goal here is to embarrass him.

"I caught you." I stated.

I didn't miss how Aaron's eyes gazed at my lips for a second before looking into my eyes again.

"Caught me what?" Aaron said in his low voice and I think about how I can kiss him if I lean forward a little more.

"Staring at my ass, like the basic boy you are." I responded, chuckling.

"I wasn't." Aaron denied, putting his hand through his hair which I notice he does alot when he's nervous.

"You were, though." I stated again.

Aaron took a sip of his coffee not responding.

"Weren't you?" I added.

Aaron didn't say anything, but proceeded to ignore me and look at the ceiling.

"I'll take your silence as a yes." I smiled in victory as I turned around to grab my coffee.

"I mean you do have a nice ass, like it looks good in those pj's." Aaron suddenly said, surprising me.

I turn around widening my eyes, "Um, okay..," and then added, "excuse me?"

"Not that- not," Aaron stuttered a little, "I wasn't really staring or anything, I'm just saying, you know, being honest and all."

"Oh.." I replied, blushing.

This is so fucking awkward. I hope someone calls me and I can escape this room.

"Not to make this awkward or anything." Aaron said, picking his phone up, still sipping his coffee.

You did though ..

I just nodded and then took a seat at the table.

"I think you look really cute today." Aaron grinned at me and I felt my insides twirl if that's possible.

"Aw, Aaron.." I said, smiling as my face heated up.

I'm the most awkward person when complimented to the point where I'm okay with never receiving a compliment because that means it will save the embarrassment that follows.

"Yeah like, when I walked in, I thought you look really beautiful in just those pj's and your hair is kind of messy, but not like bad messy, like a really good kind of" Aaron's voice trailed off nervously.

I've never seen Aaron this nervous but it's the cutest thing ever and it's warming my heart over and over again.

"I.." I look at Aaron's eyes speechless for a second before I started grinning, "I don't know what to say but, thank you."

"Yeah." Aaron added awkwardly.

Why is everything so awkward?

I have a feeling god listened to my prayer because my phone started ringing in the midst of my blushing session.

"Oh, that's Rose." I said, picking up concerned, they wouldn't call me in the middle of the date.

"Rose?" I say into the phone and hear Rose panting.

"Hi Ellie." She replies, still trying to control her breath and immediately I knew something was up.

Aaron furrowed his brows too and motioned for me to put the speaker on.

I probably shouldn't do that when I'm talking to my best friend but I still did.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Oh don't worry about it, but um, Joey's got into a little car accident." Her voice filled the room, informing us.

"What!" Aaron got up, worried.

"Wha- Uh, hi Aaron," Rose said before adding in a low voice, "you didn't tell me Aaron was there."

"Is he okay?" Aaron asked, snatching my phone from my hand.

Okay, rude.

"Yes, yes, he's fine, it was a very small accident, but we're in the hospital now and he's cheking for any injuries, he says his right wrist hurts." Rose explained a little but Aaron and I are still as confused as ever.

"Which hospital, we'll come by." Aaron stated and I'm still shocked silently at how fast everything is going.

"You don't need to seriously, it's noth-" I cut Rose off when I see the panicked look on Aaron's face and put myself in his shoes.

If something like this happened to Rose, no matter how small, I would wanna be there immediately.

"Rose, please, which hospital?" I asked pleadingly and heard Rose sigh.

After giving us the address, I changed my clothes real quick and Aaron and I left to the hospital.



I mean it's kind of a short chapter but I'm already halfway through the second one so that makes it okay, right...

Sambousek and still obsessing over Camila Cabello ~Sania

(Sambousek is the most known Ramadan thing that exists, so yeah.)

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