Chapter 30 : I'm a bubble of nervousness ready to explode.

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This chapter is named after the story of my life.

Chapter 30 : I'm a bubble of nervousness ready to explode.

(Picture of Aaron played by Alessandro Dellisalo, above)

"Okay, we'll talk about it later, what's wrong with you!!" I say into the call as I try to rub my arms in hopes the goosebumps would disappear.

It's starting to get chilly outside, and I forgot my jacket since I'm running late per usual.

"What do you mean later? You're gonna promise me to delete it now!" Rose exclaimed and then muttered a 'Sorry.' to whoever I assume she accidentally stumbled onto.

I gritted my teeth. "Jesus Rose, fine!!" I exasperated as I eventually had enough of her whining.

"Okay, bye!!" Rose's voice came out cheerful. Oh, so now she's happy.

I shook my head. Couldn't she wait until I catch up with her next class, when I'm over the super late situation, to ask me to delete the selfie I posted of her and I? According to her, something looks wrong with her cheekbones.

She looks perfect but okay.

I finally arrive to my locker and pretty much start stuffing random notebooks in my bag. I'm too late to comprehend what I actually need. I don't even know what class I have right now, I'm too focused on being hectic as hell to remember.

I wasn't aware that anyone was approaching since class started a while ago up until a hand brushed on my shoulder, startling me.

I turned around as I accidentally dropped my notebook and bent down to pick it up, only to be met with Brad.

Now's not your time, please, I'm so late.

"Good morning." Brad smiled warmly at me and I couldn't help but notice his blue eyes lightning up.

Brad isn't exactly my type, but with a smile and eyes like his, he can be a good charmer.

"Morning." I smiled back even though I'm a bubble of nervousness ready to explode. I'm really late.

Doesn't he have class too?

"How's everything?" He continued, even making himself comfortable as he leaned on the locker next to mine.

"Um, everything's fine, thank you." I replied quickly, glancing around at the empty hallway.

"I'm sorry, I know you have class, I was just wondering what the English assignment was about." Brad said, putting down his backpack.

This boy really doesn't plan to leave anytime soon.

I glance at the time on my phone anxiously. Fuck fuck fuck.

"The assignment isn't due till Thursday.." I reply. He literally has three more days to ask me about whatever he wants, why is he so persistent on doing that now?

"Oh I know, but I haven't started on it yet, and I probably should." He responded, pushing his hair out of his face. It needs a little trim.

Or maybe it doesn't but he's just pissing me off, yeah, could be that.

Why the hell hasn't he started yet? Why me? Couldn't he wait until lunch?

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