Chapter 6 : This boy I swear..

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CHAPTER 6 : This boy I swear..


This is the eighth time a crumbled paper has been tossed on my head.

Stay calm Ellie, stay calm.

ninth paper.

tenth paper.

eleventh paper.

twe- you know what? I've got enough.

I titled my head to the side to talk to him. "Is this why you chose the seat next to me?"

Aaron acted like he had no idea what I'm talking about. "What do you mean?"

"Did you change your seat and sit next to me just to annoy me," I didn't wait for his response before I continued, "have you not had enough at lunch?"

He just smirked.

"May I know why you find pleasure in annoying me?" I asked, wanting to wipe that stupid smirk off his face.

"Yeah, yeah it's because, in fact-" before he continued, Mister Wilson saw us talking apparently and interrupted us.

"Mind sharing your conversation with us Mister Owens and Miss Rosell?" He asked, glaring at us.

Jeez, did someone pee in his mouth or something?

Damn. Why did I think of that?

I don't know what came over me, but instead of convincing Mister Wilson that we weren't talking, I said something stupid as usual, "Aaron was just asking me about a point in the lesson that he didn't understand."

Now here is why it's stupid.

Mister Wilson smiled and said, "Oh okay sorry, didn't know that." and turned his head back at the board.

We thought it was over and that I was the smartest person ever until he looked back at us and said "Can you point it out?"

Aaron and I went from smiling in victory to blushing from embarrassment to going pale because we have no clue what the lesson is about.

Wait, what class is this again?

Oh yeah, calculus, right.

"Your turn to come up with something." I whispered to Aaron.

"Alright." He whispered back.

"Mr.Wilson before I answer you, would you please tell me what's the name of the girl from last time?" Aaron said, standing up.


In the last Calculus class, Mister Wilson turned on his computer to show us a presentation on the board about the lesson or some shit, but before the presentation started, a picture of a girl our age popped on as it was his Desktop BackGround.

Alot of stupid guys started wolf whistling and saying "She's hot". Little did they know, it was Mr.Wilson's daughter, which explains why he started yelling at them for not caring about education enough but getting distracted by a picture of a stranger.

So, Aaron right now, knew exactly who she was but he asked Mr.Wilson on purpose, provoking the shit out of him. I have no idea why would you ask the teacher, who you just lied to and they found out about your lie, that. Well I'm the one who lied, but Aaron is still part of this.

A couple of people started laughing while Mr.Wilson turned red and said to Aaron, "Detention today after school." to which Aaron gave zero shit about as he replied with, "Mr.Wilson with all due respect, but why are you changing the subject?"

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