Chapter 18: stomachs! Am i right?

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(Y/n) POV

Offender pinned me to the wall and we heard a growl from the living room. I looked and saw rake and he looked angry! Offender growled and rake sounded like he was gonna murder more than one person! Rake," let her go!" My eyes widened and a shiver was sent down my spine. Offender," what if I don't rake!" Rake," your dead!" Offender," try me!" Offender teleported and took me with him. We were in a room and on a bed. He was on top of me and seemed more relaxed. Offender," I was planning a dinner date then love but I guess that's ruined now? So skip dinner and more over to the love!" Me," no so let go!" Offender," princess-" me," let go!" Offender," fine!" Offender got off me and sat next to me. Isn't up and offender laid down next to me. Offender," pleaseeeeeee!" Me," no!" Offender whimpered and I rolled my eyes. Me," really?" Offender," what?" Me," never mind!" I wonder if slenderman is freaking out? If he is everyone that's with him is lucky cause they can laugh at him flipping out! I pictured Slendy flipping out and smiled. He worries to much! He's gonna give himself a heart attack one day! I yawned and felt like sleeping but not till Offender leaves at least! Offender," can I at least sleep with you?" Me," why don't you guess?" Offender," yes?" Me," guess again!" Offender," maybe?" Me," no!" Offender," awwwwww!" Offender moved to lay down on his stomach and I shook my head. Then my stomach started to hurt and I felt like vomiting! Me," hey Offender....."Offender," yes?" Me," I'm going to the bathroom! I don't feel good!" Offender," what? What's wrong?" He sounded concern and I got up and felt weary. Me," my doesn't feel good?" Offender," bathroom now!" He quickly teleported me to the bathroom and I head for the toilet. I vomited and when I finished there was blood! I coughed a bit and more came out. My head started spinning and my eyes became blurry. Offenders voice was echoing and going out. I don't really know what was happening to me? My vision went black and I fell unconscious............

Slender POV

I jumped up feeling a strange feeling in my gut. Splendor," Slender What's wrong?" Me," something doesn't feel right? Somethings...........growing? Being born even?" Then Offender teleported in and had (y/n) in his arms unconscious. Trender quickly took (y/n) out of his arms and splendor looked at her worried. Me," what did you do!" Offender," she said she had to go to the bathroom and I asked why. She said she didn't feel right and I took her to the bathroom and she vomited but it was blood and she coughed and and.........." me," and what!" Offender," get dr.smiley ,ej and nurse Ann!" I got worried and nod. I quickly got ej,dr.smiley,and nurse Ann! They check (y/n) and looked at each other worried but happy. Me," so? What's wrong?" Ej," congrats! your a grandpa!" Me," oh really! Well that's good- WHAT?!" Smiley," well not yet! She still needs like 9 or 8 more months." Me," WHAT?!" Ann," she's pregnant you stupid! Wanna know the gender?" Me," no and WHAT?!" Ej," just shut up and let (y/n) tell zalgo!" Zalgo came in and went straight inside. It was quiet for a moment and then laughing and giggling?

WOO! HOW WAS THAT FOR THE CONTINUE OF zalgos Deviling wish? I actually love this chapter! Hope you guys did too! And thank you typical_NERD16172620 for helping me stay on this book cause I actually missed writing this book! Anyways thank you and enjoy!

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