Chapter 16: kidnapped bride

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Okay remember this photo ☝️! Its gonna be very important very soon! Okay bai!

                              The next day

(y/n) POV
I woke up and saw zalgo in a tux and going in the bathroom. Zalgo was in a white tux tho and his hair was done. I sat up and stretched, then i saw a white dress with flowers on it. (t͟h͟e͟ p͟h͟o͟t͟o͟ a͟b͟o͟v͟e͟!☝M͟i͟n͟u͟s͟ t͟h͟e͟ g͟l͟a͟s͟s͟e͟s͟ a͟n͟d͟ (y͟/n͟) d͟i͟d͟ d͟y͟e͟ h͟e͟r͟ h͟a͟i͟r͟ r͟e͟m͟e͟m͟b͟e͟r͟! S͟h͟e͟ d͟i͟d͟ i͟t͟ f͟o͟r͟ b͟e͟n͟! B͟a͟i͟!️) zalgo," trender said he wasn't letting his daughter wear a tux to her wedding so he made that for you." me," you kidding me!" zalgo chuckled and jeff came in. Jeff," slender wants to talk to you sis!" me," alright-" jeff," he also said to bring the dress." me," im sleep talking and moving!" i laid down and went back to bed. Jeff chuckled and walked out and someone else came in. Offender," (y/n) i know your awake." i stayed silent and acted as if i was asleep. Zalgo," no she fell asleep...Again...." zalgo chuckled and offender chuckled as well. Offender," she better wake up or else she'll miss her anime-" me," was i asleep? Im sorry!" i got up as soon as i hear anime. Offender," lets go before slender drags you out of bed." me," you tricked me!" offender," and your avoiding your wedding!" me," no im avoiding wearing a dress cause i wanted a tux!" offender," the boys told me you look more cute in a tux." me," yeah they kept being to nice!" offender," lets go." me," mmmmm! I don't wanna walk!" offender shook his head and i lit my lighter. I made a fire cloud and sat on it. Me," there ya go! Problem solved!" offender," your such an adorable lazy!" me," just my talent!" offender," I'd love to know that talent better!" zalgo," *growls* offender!" offender," oh you shut it! Im still angry at you zalgo!" me," im out!" i got off my fire cloud and ran out the room. I see zero and smirked then tendrils were wrapped around me and they had a little adorable creature at its end. Me," awe! Hello again!" then splendor teleported and we were in slender mans office. Slender," your wearing a dress not a tux." me," that's not fair! What ever happened to 'i can do what i want'?" dad," your my first child and i don't want my first born to wear a tux to their wedding!" me," im your only born- wait no jeff! Jeffs my older brother so he is your first born!" dad," i forgot about jeff! Dammit!" me," ha! So i do get to wear a tux after all!" dad," no cause jeff hasn't married or is in a relationship! So you'll be the first child of mine married!" me," dammit i thought i had the winning ticket! Please! I don't wanna wear a dress!" offender," i would love her in either one so i don't count as a decision." me," see! Be more like offendy!" slender," id rather eat dinner with the devil." me," well offender's my favorite! He lets me wear a tux!" dad," your a girl-" me," im a tomboy! Im not a girl stuff what ever it is! Plus i love the fun stuff i do with the boys! I love the girls and i have nothing against girl stuff so they can still do what ever on me so they'll be happy! But ill still choose boys stuff over girls." dad," were you waiting to say that?" me," yes, yes i was!" they chuckled and i smiled and rake came in. Rake," zalgo and lj are fighting!" me," what?!" i ran out and got to the living room and once i did i see jeff,lui,ej,zero,and dr.Smiley trying to get them away from each other without getting hit. Lj," you don't know anything about her!" zalgo," she's my queen! Time will let us get to know each others pasts!" lj," your marrying her and don't even know her past or her own life! I know what she's been through and the pain she has felt! I was there to support her and where were you!" zalgo," making sure my father won't kill her!" lj," you could've still have been there when she needed you the most! I dropped everything i was doing to help her!" zalgo," well she's my fiance so now ill be there 24/7 to help her!" i felt broken cause lj sounded like he gets me? Lj was there to support me and he did always screw up something just to make me laugh. Then again zalgo was the one who did everything in his power to keep me alive an happy. Both of them did really. Me," okay stop!" my voice boomed and waves of something in the air caused everyone to cover their ears. Lj and zalgo got away from each other and covered their ears. I was shocked but they stopped fighting.Me," y-" i forgot what i was gonna say.Well really i didn't have anything to say but hesitate.Zalgo," babe you okay!" zalgo got up and put his hands on my shoulders and looked at me worried. Lj got up too but stayed behind zalgo. My mind was empty and i didn't know what to say. I might trigger someone and i might start another fight. Zalgo," hey babe! Can you hear me? Babe!" me," yeah! Yeah i can hear you! Uh........" my head started hurting and i felt like the world was spinning. Me," hold on! DAD!" i didn't feel right and i tried to walk off but i start to sway and i put my hand on the wall for support. Jeff held on to me making sure i don't fall and dad came down. Dad," what's wrong? You called me and your voice was off?" me," uh.....I don't know? I don't feel right?" dad," whats wrong?" he put the back of his palm on my forehead and gasped. Dad," your unusually warm! Your skin is usually cold and fresh but its warming up." jeff,* so she's just sick?" dad," no fairies can't get sick! They're immune system is different from ours and can over come any sickness." jeff," then why is she like this?" dad," i don't know! That's what im trying to figure out!" jeff," well then do it faster cause who knows what'll happen next?!" i then feel light headed and lose my balance. Jeff held me up and kept me in a strong hold but kept my balance even. Everything becomes blurry and i feel more light headed. Then i fainted........

Jeff POV

Her body went limp and i look at her. She's unconscious. Me," alright im getting her to bed and no one can come in or else!" i pick her up bridal style and took her up stairs. I got in her room and put her in bed. I closed her door and stood guard for my sister's safety......

Trenders POV (oh! Yay!)

Jeff took her up stairs and i was worried. Fairy's can't get sick not even if it was a spell! Whats going on sweetie? I'm your father and i want be that father you've longed for.....Please let me in..... I teleport to my room and hear slender teleport in as well. Slender," she's not sick she's overflowing but she's used her monster emotion to much so she just went to what was more painful for her and what she needed to stop lj and zalgo from fighting." me,* but why? She's stronger than the four of us combined, but she doesn't want to hurt us. Even so she can still stop those two with a snap of her fingers!" (Thanos anyone? No,Just me? Alright then.) slender," i agree she is stronger than us but if she snapped her fingers she would've killed someone or better yet killed herself in the process!" slender growled at me and i huffed. Me," *complain* be like that!" slender relaxed and i sat down. Me," so what should we do?" slender," i don't know.......I just don't know......." we stayed there in silence and wondered of what will come of our sweet child (y/n)........

σиє ωєєк ℓαтєя.........

(y/n) POV

Its today! Todays the day i get married to zalgo! I was so nervous my monster came out and hid in a closet. The girls were helping me with everything and i growled when they forced me into the dress.  Even offender had to beg just to get me to put it on for a few hours. Offender," please! Wear it and when jeff gets married he will wear a dress!" me," *plainly* no." offender," (y/n) you got to wear the dress! For me!" he got on his knees and i looked away from him. I look at him with the corner of my eye and he's smiling like a baka. I smiled and shook my head. Me,* dammit offendy! Fine ill wear the damn dress for a few hours!" offender," yes! See and the girls said i couldn't get you to break!" i chuckled and he passed me the dress. I left and changed and came out a few minutes after. I looked at offender as i walked out the room i was in to change and see he was blushing. Me," so stupid or dorky?" offender," none of the above~!" he cooed and was closer to me. I shook my head and pushed his face away from me. Me," dorky it is!" i snickered as i hear offender rant on and on,on how pretty and beautiful i look and how i deserve a more fine and better man that suits me and my perfections. Me," me?! Perfect?! HAHAHAHA!" i laughed at the thought of me being perfect. Offender," but its true......You are perfect........In fact your my perfect rose flower...." i look at offender a bit sad and he seemed sad himself. Rake," (y/n)! I wanted to see you- whoa!" rake stumbled in through the door and rolled in a dog sitting way and saw me. Rake," you look so Perdy!" i face palmed and rake chuckled. (y/n)," so you tripped or fell over something?" rake," both!" he smiled and sat like a baka and i shook my head. Me," oh rake my sweet little baka rake!" rake," what's a baka?" me," something that makes you more cute but that's not the definition of baka." rake," okie!" me," so why'd you come here?" rake," to see you! Check! Now to run back before slender kills me!" rake ran out and i heard him trip on something again. Me," *shakes head* oh brother! One day he's gonna end up knocking someone out." i turned to offender and see him behind me then he brushes up against me.Offender," can you not marry zalgo and marry me instead?" i didn't know what to do and offender pushed me to the wall gently. He kissed me and i kissed back but i stopped and turned to a fairy and flew behind him and turned back. Me," im sorry offender.........I just love zalgo to much..........I really am sorry........" it was silent and i saw my dress turned to a crop top in shorts. Me," hey looks like i do get to wear a tux!" slender," i heard that from a mile away! Your not wearing a tux!" me," weren't you suppose to be setting up decorations?" slender," yes but then i heard a girl say she's wearing a tux!" me," are you a bat now! Hahaha!" i started laughing and felt arms go around my waist. I stopped and slender growled at offender.Slender," offender! Let her go! She's getting married!" offender," she'll be mine!" and with that offender teleported and we were in a cabin. Offender let go and kissed my cheek. Offender," now you can love me!" my eyes widen and i gasped quietly. My heart dropped but felt the same. It was silent and all you can hear was the sound of deers and squirrels eating or moving to a new locations. Then i realized something...........I am not brave enough to hurt or leave the ones i love or are my friends............

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