Chapter 13: friend protective of (y/n)

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Slender POV

We waited and looked through many passage ways but we couldn't find her! Trender," slender we have to find her! What if rake hurt her?!" rake," id never! Right (y/n)?" (y/n)," duh!" we turn to the cave entrance and see (y/n) and rake leaning on the rim of the cave. Me," (y/n) you could've gotten hurt! Or worse rake could've forgotten you and attacked you!" rake," for years I've searched for her and nit once did the most fearless little girl leave my mind!" (y/n)," awe!" me," the point is your safe! Now if you ever do that again you'll give us a heart attack child!" she giggle and i smiled. Me," ha ha very funny! C'mon you two lets go home!" (y/n)," but can we take rakey- wait you said yes!" trender," nope! He can not-" (y/n)," ill throw a tantrum!" trender," lets go home." (y/n) and rake laughed and trender grumbles. Me," c'mon you three! Its getting late!" they stop laughing /grumbling and we left home. (y/n) and rake ran up stairs and trender "rolled his eyes" in disbelief. Trender," just for a tantrum are you kidding me!" me," probably cause you hate to see her upset and hate to hear her sad." trender," stop being my brother and reading my emotions!" me," to bad!" trender," at least i can handle a two year old!" i blankly glare at him and he "smirks". Trender," yeah i don't like it either! So shut up!" me," fine you win!" he chuckled and teleported to who knows where. I sat on the couch and smiled as i know my daughter will do great things........

(y/n) POV

Me and rake ran up stairs and went to my room where i saw zalgo. He hugs me and i kissed his cheek. Zalgo," he baby! You feeling alright?" me," better than alright hun!" zalgo," that's good! I don't like seeing you sad!" me," its hard to see a loved one die okay! Its not my fault!" zalgo," sorry!" i chuckled and he kissed my lips softly. Rake," grrr! (y/n) do i attack him or he's your boyfriend?" me," he's my boyfriend! Its okay rakey!"rake," fine!" he was close to me in a protective way and i chuckled and zalgo looked jealous. Zalgo," why is he here? And why is he so close to you? And why did he ask to attack me?" me," he's an awesome friend i met when i was two! Cause he's protective of me and cause he didn't trust you but now your alright!" zalgo," *suspicious tone* alright alright. Hey rake was it? A word please?" rake," gladly!" they left and i shook my head. Please don't let this be a problem! Is all i thought. I sat down then slender teleported in my room.Amd he had a huge grin on his face. Me," what?" slender,"tomorrows a special day! And your sleeping with me so you won't escape!" me," what's tomorrow?!" please don't say birthday! Please don't say birthday! Slender," tomorrows your birthday!" my eyes widen and i turned to a fairy and went straight for the window. He didn't bother to stop me fir some reason and then splendor appeared at the window and caught me. Me," no! I hate my birthday! Let me go!" splendor," why?" slender," don't ask that-" me," its the day my parents were killed! And the day i was given to my adopted parents! I don't wanna celebrate that!" I break free and fly out but father got me with a tendril. Me," damn you all for having tendrils!" offender," aren't your parents alive? And aren't those other parents dead? And its to celebrate your youth not what happened!" i was put on the ground and i went to normal. Father hugged me and i smiled and hugged him. We let go and i look at slender. Me," how did you find out?! I paid millions of dollars to have my birthday forgotten and removed from all history!" slender," please when mortals want to keep their lives they'll talk!" me," damn you for being intimidating!" slender," thank you!" me," don't you dare tell everyone tomorrows my-" lj," happy early b-day sugar!" i turned around and saw lj come out the mansion with a happily decorated card. I look at splendor and he whistled. Me," of course you told everyone!" lj," what? You don't like your birthday?" me," i hate my birthday! And i hate celebrating it!" slender," child its to celebrate the day you were brought into the world! And we love that you came out!" me," i also hate how you know how to get to me!" slender," child we live with psychos and magical beings its easy to sweet talk some of them!" lj," wait am i one of them?" slender," there's candy in the fridge and sally wants to eat it all!" lj," LIKE HELL SHE WILL!" lj ran inside and i laughed that i almost fell back wards. Father," careful child!" me," that was hilarious!" splendor," we also planned something for tomorrow so be ready!" me," mmm! I was hoping you would forget- hm?" i thought of making a spell to make them all forget my birthday till slender man put a disable spell on me so i can't use my magic for........FOR TWO DAYS! me," dammit!" slender," we will celebrate your birthday and you have to attend it! That is why you'll be in my room to prevent you from escaping!" me," damn you all for being prepared as well!" father," why your room specifically?" slender_" im better at watching her than you three! Plus we all know we can't trust offender!" me," hey! Stop talking bad about offendy! I mean what's so bad about him anyways!" slender," your to innocent-" me," screw innocent! Do you know what I've been through?! Innocent is no where near my list of descriptions!" father," your past is saddening but you haven't experienced this before or heard of it that's what we mean." yeah right! Ya know what imma stop talking cause im bound to get in trouble- slender," *anger* when did it happen and with who?!" my eyes widen and i very carefully and very slowly shuffle away. Slender grabbed me with his tendrils and brought me to them. Offender," whoa whoa whoa! Your gonna hurt her like that slender man!" slender," *anger* who touched you and did they hurt you?!" i was terrified but didn't show it and just looked at his tendrils cause they were causing me to choke.i can't speak if your choking me! He loosened his grip and looked at me angrily. Me," don't look at me like that!" slender," who was it?!" his voice starting to boom. He sounded disappointed and i didn't like it! My whole life was parents and others disappointed in me and it hurt me and now i feel as if i made slender man disappointed in me as well. Me," he-" slender," will you tell me his name too!" he sounded more angry and tears started to pierce my eyes but they couldn't see. Me," *voice crack* don't sound like that! Don't sound disappointed!" i clenched my fist and tears started to slowly run down my face as if it were a stream. I don't like slender being disappointed in me! I hate disappointing people! Please don't sound like that! Offender,splendor and father hit slender in the head and father crouched to me. Father," just tell us who it was and we won't get mad! It must've been a mistake or something right?" i nodded and he smiled. Me," don't scream or be so shocked tho!" splendor," okay. Offender. Trender hold slender down." they held him down and i sighed hesitantly and crossed my arms. Me," it was zalgo...." slender," WHAT?!" i flinched and stepped back afraid of him when he uses his voice.slender," WHY DID HE- HE'S GONNA GET IT WHEN I BREAK FREE!" tears pierce my eyes once more as i was fully afraid of slender man. Me," s-slendy h-he d-didnt m-m-m-mean it! S-s-s-s-stop p-please!" i was so afraid i couldn't even speak correctly! He noticed and froze and looked at me. I was to afraid to even look back at him as i was scared he would have his red eyes. I was shaking and tears streamed down my face as i waited for what was next to come......

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