Chapter 12

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I adjust my books in my arms for the 100th time. Ma trails slightly behind me as we walk towards the school house.

What Ma doesn't know is that as we do get closer to school, the closer we get to the hidden trail that leads to mine and Arron's lake.

"Are ya excited to see your friends again? I know Rosemary, Abigail, Samantha and-" Ma tries to make conversation, but I cut her off.

"No. I mean, yes. No. I mean- Well... not all of them." I clench my teeth as I remember what horrible things Samantha did say that day.

"What do ya mean you don't want to see all of them? Who don't you want to see, Charlotte?" She inquires.

I let out a loud sigh before gruntin' out, "Nothin', Ma. Nevermind."

I can tell by the look on her face that she don't believe me, but she remains quite. By now we've reached the path and I do come to an abrupt halt and Ma all but stumbles into my back.

"What are ya doing, Charlotte?" She asks.

I chew on my lip nervously and use my spare hand to run my fingers through my hair, untanglin' the knots that had formed from the brisk Autumn breeze.

"Can you just wait here for a minute? Please?" I beg.

"Charl-" Ma tries to protest.

"Please, Ma‽ I need to take care of somethin' real fast. I won't be long!" I explain.

"All right.... Fine. But, you best hurry. Ya don't wanna be late for school." She gives in, but gives me a pointed look at that last part.

I mutter a quick thanks before taking off down the narrow trail. The wind whips my hair out behind me. The cold nipping at my cheeks. So for untanglin' my hair.

I reach the end of the path. I walk the slight clearing towards Aaron, who's back is towards me.

"Hey!" I call out to him.

He spins around, a gigantic grin glued to his face, "Char!!"

He races to me engulfing be in a bone crushing hug. My books dig into my ribs as all the is being squeezed outta me.

"Can't... Breathe..." I gasp.

He immediately let's go scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.


"It's fine." I think really hard about how to put together my next sentence, "I can't stay."

Aaron's face falls with a look of immense disappointment, "Oh... How come?"

"My mom-" I begin, before a voice cuts me off from behind.

"Found out that she's been skippin' out on school. And now she thinks she knows why."

I whip around and my eyes widen when I see Ma standing just past the exit of the trail, arms crossed.

"Ma! I told you to wait!" I yell, surprised by her sudden appearance.

"And I do think I told you to go to school. Not to skip so you can hang out with some boy! Who is this?" Ma quips back.

"I'm Aaron. Aaron West, Ma'am. And with all due respect she wasn't skippin' school to hang out with me."

"Then would you mind explainin' what in the world she was doin'‽" Ma demands.

I decide it's time for me to jump back in, "Aaron's was new at school the last day I went. The day that... Anyways, the next day when I stopped by the mercantile I saw him in the alley skippin'."

"And Charlotte, bein' as stubborn as she is," Aaron chuckles lightly at that before he continues, "said she wouldn't go until I go."

Ma takes a minute to let this all sink in, "Well, Charlotte, I think you did a very kind thing to try and get him to go. BUT, you should have let Mrs. Piers or I know instead of disappearin' to this lake."

"Yes, Ma'am. I'm sorry, Ma." I mumble.

"As for you young man, you need to go to school, too. And where is your lunch‽" Ma tells him.

"I don't got one, Ma'am..." Aaron trails off.

"Well, then you can share with Charlotte. And then you're invited to join us for dinner at our house this evenin'." She offers.

"Oh... I don't know. I don't think my pa would like that all to much." Aaron declines.

"Nonsense! I will see you tonight at 7:30. You can bring your parents with you. Now you two run off to school before the bell rings."

And with that Ma does turn around and heads back down the trail towards home, leavin' no room for argument.

I look at Aaron and give him an apologetic smile. Sometimes I forget that I git my stubbornness from my ma.

"I guess we should head off to school, huh?" I suggest.

"I do guess so." He replies.

And with that we start our way towards the the school house. I get the feelin' today is gonna be a long day.

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