I push the doors open, the school backyard covered in a thick layer of snow as the extensive woods ahead leading back to the hospital were rid of any leaves. It was even colder out there, the thick layer of clothing suffocating my body standing no match for the temperature. The rest of the pack was in there as well, sitting by the small bench we always sit on whenever we do one of our sessions, the same place where they first told me about Sarah's disappearance. Even until now I still couldn't seem to grasp the idea of her running away. It feels only yesterday when I last saw her wearing her stupid elf costume, and now she's been gone for an entire month.

"And so she arrives." Dalton greets, smoke coming out of his mouth as he sat on the arm of the bench. He jumps off, hugging his brown coat closer to his body.

Georgie was sat on the bench as well, hiding under four layers of sweaters as she talked to Dustin about something I couldn't catch. Brylle was on his phone, Ella's boyfriend no where to be seen. Jumper on the other hand, stood close next to a bark, impatiently tapping her foot on the dirt and taking a drag on her cigarette. "Did you see Romina on your way?" she looks at me.

"Not that I can remember." I shake my head, snatching my pack from the pocket of her jacket. "Why? What's the matter?"

"She's supposed to be here thirty minutes ago. Bitch probably had sex with Michigan or something." she says, disgust ghosting over her face as she turns away and sits next to Georgie.

"Jesus Christ, Jumper, what a way to start off our day." Georgie rolls her eyes, crossing her arms below her chest.

"What? I'm just saying!" She defends, "If she's so obsessed with him, it's not impossible."

"Can't we just start without them?"

"No." Georgie sighs in disappointment, peering for the door far off behind me. "She's the one assigned to get all the flyers printed today. We can't discuss anything until she's here."

"Didn't you tell her to hurry before you parted ways this morning?"

"I fucking did that alright?" She murmurs, "Arthur offered to help her out with the papers and she just couldn't fucking say no."

"How many more people from this group is that son of a bitch going to hypnotize?"

A sudden loud metallic thud all caught our attention, my head turning behind me in curiosity. Romina and Arthur paced towards us, her heeled boots almost leveling to his height, black hair tied in a ponytail. Even with the snow she still looked good, "Hey!" She chimes in with a bright smile, a light yellow handbag dangling from her forearm, her other arm preoccupied with flyers.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Jumper spat, jolting back up her feet.

"Woah, no need to be mad, we just got stuck in the library." she explains.

"Doing what? You were supposed to be here thirty minutes ago!"

"Guys, I'm sorry it's my fault." Arthur interjects, looking down as he rubbed the back of his neck, "Ella just bumped into us along the way and told us about Ericka. We couldn't just leave."

"You bumped into who?" I choked on my own words, chills running down my spine. Of course they would bump into her. We were lucky enough to not encounter her for almost two weeks, but it was only a matter of time before that changes. Till then, it would be even more difficult to keep Arthur with us without anyone finding out.

"Like we give a shit."

"Look, can't we just do this inside? It's fucking freezing out here." Romina suggests.

"Absolutely fucking not!" Jumper protests, dropping her stick into the snow. "If we go in there with him, people would see us and throw fucking breadsticks at us."

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