Where? (18 +)

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He felt her stiffen under him as he kissed her and then stepped back, hands up so she could see that he wouldn't do anything else.

"I'm sorry. I know you'll hate me. But..." He shook his head, looking down. "I've been dying inside. I can't pretend I haven't fallen for you anymore, Y/N." She didn't reply and he closed his eyes, waiting for her to either storm past him or slap him or do something. Nothing.

He opened his eyes and looked up. She was staring past him, fingers touching her mouth. She looked like she was in shock. He could never do anything right. He stepped away from the direct line to the door.

"You can leave. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I just..." He sighed, already regretting. When she didn't move he sighed again. "Okay, I'll leave." He said, taking a step towards the door.

"I can't have sex." He stopped, his back to her. Her voice was small. Withdrawn. He turned back around, slightly confused.

"What?" She crossed her arms and hugged herself. It was her turn to look down.

"I can't have sex. I haven't been able to since...since..." Her voice dropped for a second. "I feel like...I feel like his hands are always on me. It's all my skin remembers. They're always crawling on me." She closed her eyes. "Except for my lips." He still remembered tracing them under his fingers. How plump and soft they'd felt.

"Because..." He didn't finish. She nodded.

"When it was happening...I was praying for you. If I couldn't save myself...I was hoping you'd find me." Her voice cracked. She felt weak admitting this. But she was dying too. "And I feel like..." She was going to cry. "I feel like I should be strong enough to take care of myself. But that night...if I'd been able to stay there, with you, forever...I would've." She sniffled and wiped her eye. "And I hate myself for that." She laughed softly, a dead, empty laugh. "It's a betrayal. Weakness."

He couldn't believe what he was hearing. She...she...he stepped back to her and softly touched her cheek.

"Where?" Just one word. One word. But she knew what he meant.

"My neck." She didn't have to say where. The imprint of those bruises on her neck would remain burned in his memory forever. He placed his hands on the wall again and bent down, letting his lips rest on her neck. He waited to see if she would say anything. If she would stop him. He took his time and softly traced the old bruise pattern with his kisses. It had disappeared weeks ago but he still remembered. He heard her breathing get heavier and it felt more intoxicating than the liquor he'd been consuming earlier.


"My back." He turned her around and unzipped her shirt and undid her bra, leaving her back bare. He started at the nape of her neck and kissed down her spine, humming when he reached where it curved. She shivered but gradually relaxed as he worked his way down. He softly sucked at the curve of her spine and heard a noise, a noise he wanted to hear again. It was so low but he knew he'd heard it. She'd moaned.

"Where?" He whispered into her skin.

"My arms." He stood up and pulled her back into him, running his hands gently up and down her arms.

"Anywhere else?"

"He...he sat on me." Taehyung smirked, despite himself.

"I'm not going to sit on you, I'm pretty sure I'd crush you." He whispered in her ear before kissing it. She gulped. She hated having to describe what had happened. But she liked being touched like this. She liked having new memories cover the old ones, surface first.

"He seemed to like pressing up on me."

"Mmmm, like this?" Taehyung turned her around and wrapped his arms around her body, holding it against his.

"Yeah. But you're nice."

"Mmmmm." He hummed, liking that. "Anywhere else?" She shook her head, resting her forehead in the crook of his neck. He liked this. This felt right. He felt content. All his previous emotional debates seemed far away now that she was here like this. He wanted to keep her here forever.

The party below didn't need them. They could at least stay awhile.

She'd said one other thing that bothered him.

"You said you haven't been able to have sex?" She nodded again. "So you must be pretty sexually frustrated." She sighed into his neck. Her breath was warm and made his skin tingle.


"Do you want me to take care of that?" He felt her stiffen. He didn't expect her to say yes but he'd already come this far he figured that, at the very least, he could tease her about it. Make her blush. He waited for her to pull away, but she didn't.


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